A long time ago in a virtual world far, far away ……
Linden Lab have announced the date and the time of the annual Linden & Resident Snowball Fight. The date and time for those who may not be paying as close attention as they should is Monday December 21st at 10am SLT.
The blog post bills this as :
Come one – come all to the Snowball Arena for a friendly ice battle of epic proportions! We’re bringing back the Official Snowball Showdown – where you’re free to pelt your fellow Second Life Residents and Lindens with a bevy of sparkling snowballs!
These battles can indeed be epic.
Do not fear if you think you will be walking into a trap, there’s no need to be unarmed and not very dangerous because there is free weaponry available from the vendors in Winter Wonderland.
The last epic battle, took place in February, with Princess Xiola recruiting, although I’m not sure if Xiola is considered to be part of the Empire or the Resident Alliance.
Vick Forcella chose the hirsute look, although he didn’t go full Wookie … I mean hairy monster!
Guy Linden lurked in and with the shadows whilst Pygar Bu allied with Vitae Linden to look menacing around signs.
Keira Linden managed to look cold and dangerous as she casually strode through the snow.
Then there was the secret not to be named agent, Governance3 Linden, from the crack Linden Lab team of Governance. He didn’t even need a coat as he joined in the festivities.
December 21st at 10:00am SLT, mark the time in your calendar, arm yourself, ignore Dwarfins lurking in the shadows, they are only there to ensure fair coverage of the epic battle is reported and most of all, have fun!

Winter Wonderland
Enjoy an exciting snowy adventure in the latest attraction by Linden Lab. Enjoy some holiday gifts in the Village of Lights, or a nice skate around the rink with friends. Take a look over the regions on the top of our Winter Ferris Wheel or race around the track. Don’t miss the all-new snowball fight arena!
Visit in Second Life
SLURL To Winter Wonderland is via Portal Park : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Portal%20Park%201/128/210/23/
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All is well thank you 🙂