Fantasy Faire 2014 – Creators, Event Sponsors And Sims

Image For Fantasy Faire 2014
Fantasy Faire 2014

Ok first of all a disclaimer, I’m not an organiser of Fantasy Faire 2014, so my information may be out of date! However as it stands, there are no opportunities left for sim sponsors, but there may well be opportunities for event sponsors.

The sim sponsors are :

Cerridwen’s Cauldron, Creators of Fantasy, Dwarfins, Fallen Gods Inc., Fuubutsu-Dou, The Looking Glass, NeoVictoria, Roawenwood and Solarium. The event sponsors are Curious Kitties, Dark Goddess Designs, Epic, .Luminary., L’Uomo and Spyralle.

View From Bridge

So what about creator spots? Well, back on March 15th Sonya Marmurek blogged : CREATOR APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN! In that post Sonya links to the actual creator/Event Sponsor application form, which is a most important document to read as it details the costs and rules for participation.

In an additional blog post on March 26th Sonya wrote :

we do still have some limited space for creators of fantasy and steampunk. Yes, steampunk! We have several steampunk sims this year, so don’t think it’s only about magic and fairies here!

At this point I tried to hit Sonya with a curse of agony, steampunk in fantasy land! Pah! … Oh wait, this isn’t new for Fantasy Faire at all … hmm I better cancel that curse of agony.



Now what about the regions themselves? Well there are no images yet! Even I, with my mighty magic powers can’t get a sneak peek this early, however there are some details around about the sims :

Asperatus (by Beq Janus) – Above the rolling, turbulence of the thick cloud plains the silence is broken by the deep throbbing hum of engines. The mighty “Asperatus” fills the sky, once the preserve of super rich merchants, this mighty airship is now the mainstay of the small colony that drifts around it. Come walk amongst the clouds, explore unlikely airships and marvel at mankind’s ever ingenious (and frequently implausible) devices in this steampunk inspired city in the sky.

Blackwater Glenn (by Marcus Inkpen/ Sharni Azalee) – Rotting buildings sink into the swampy undergrowth as Nature reclaims this ground from Man. Gorgeous flowers and mysterious plants emerge sporadically throughout the swamp and pathways of open water lead to the centerpiece, a giant blossoming tree. Dark and murky, Blackwater Glenn has not been completely abandoned. In it you will find the light of hope. Let it lead you to rebirth.

The Faery Court (by Elicio Ember) – The Cycle of Life. Season follows season as Light chases Dark. Seelie and Unseelie perform their eternal dance in the form of a giant tree composed of two intertwining trunks, one green and flowering and the other dark and leafless. Visit the Court and proclaim your allegiance.

Heavenslough (by Alrunia Ahn (AKA My Chief Elf!!!)/ Eldowyn Inshan/ Sweetgwendoline Bailey) – Not made of human hands, Heavenslough is a landscape sculpted for adventure and dreams alike. The forest is a playground for sprites and secretive fairy folks, while rising high above are the plateaus that stretch like rocky isles in to the heaven. Ancient stilt houses dot the marshlands and other abodes can also be seen perched in the leafy boughs of the the titanic trees. Watch your steps and expect the unexpected.

Hope’s Horizon (by Jaimy Hancroft) – Inspired by Tolkien’s Minas Tirith, our White City gleams and shimmers on the horizon like a beacon leading wayfarers home. Carved out of the white rock of the mountains it clings to, Hope’s Horizon towers over the surrounding plains casting an aura of light into the darkness. Spiraling up lever upon level, the city ascends skyward crowned with a small courtyard. This majestic structure stands tall, upright, and full of power. One single blossoming tree stands at the top of it all to represent LIFE.

Medhir Woods (by Rynn Verwood) – A land where magic, nature and civilization meet. An elven outpost, protected by large waterfalls, in the middle of an enchanted autumn forest.

Mourningvale Thicket (by Searlait Nitschke) – Black trees with gnarled roots, twisting vines that grab at unsuspecting visitors, thorns the size of a man’s fist. Dark is the heart of Mourningvale Thicket caught fast in an enchanted sleep that runs wild with Night mares. However light creeps into even the most cursed of corners. Roses bloom in the moonlight and the sound of gypsy music carries on the wind as flames from distant campfires dance against the night.

Sanctum (by Alia Baroque) – Between Heaven and Hell.

Wiggenstead Mooring (by Nya Alchemi) – Welcome to a moody steam-fantasy future. An enchanting harbor town of old stone cottages and where wheels spin pumping water across to a whimsical industrial complex with steaming smoke stacks whirling generators. The land has become unstable, for this bridges and makeshift scaffolds have been installed to allow wanderers to explore. Along the paths, debris from an time less clever poke about.

Finally, for this post, let’s not forget the organisers :

Elizabeth Tinsley: sim, sponsor and designer coordinator, the Boss Lady

Sonya Marmurek: blogger coordinator and website scribbler

Saffia Widdershins: PR and Media Liaison

David Abbot: Fantasy Faire Radio coordinator

Xavian Starsider: Jail and Bail Top Koala Sheriff

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