Sue Linden Weds SL Couples

There you are in Second Life, feeling all romantic and you send your chosen one a partnership request, and await eagerly for their reply…and wait…. and then wait some more, your heart filled with doubts…. when you realise your potential partner can’t accept the request because of a bloody bug! This is in some ways is so very Second Life isn’t it.

Jira Web-4154 is a tale of woe, expired requests, frustrated couples, people who feel the moment has been pretty much ruined but all is not lost, into this sorry tale comes Sue Linden!

Sue helps to enable these failed partnership requests, possibly whilst poking someone with a very big stick, so that the database is updated and that partners can blissfully get on with it, until they engage in divorce proceedings anyway.

Satisfied partners thank Sue:

Dear Sue Linden, I just wanted to take the time to thank you for enabling the partners connection for me and presti. We are so very happy and thankful. Best regards

Accusations of lack of commitment are avoided, people don’t end up having magazines thrown at their head about men who are afraid to commit, suspicions about people not being totally upfront are avoided, they all live happily ever after.

Of course it would be much better if the process simply worked properly! However at least Linden Lab are doing something whilst the situation awaits the real fix.

That’s my yearly look at Second Life romance over and done with, now I can get back to scripting and wondering what the bloody hell is going on with this new version of the viewer I’ve just installed, the one with the different UI layout and shop link to the marketplace!

One Reply to “Sue Linden Weds SL Couples”

  1. *throws a magazine at your head”

    Nothing to do with commitment or anything – just seemed like a fun thing to do, since you mentioned it! 🙂

    *runs off quickly*

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