Linden Lab Joining Up The Dots

Yesterday’s adult content user group meeting revealed some interesting information about Linden Lab processes, a positive process too I should add

Viale Linden

Viale Linden, who was sporting a very dodgy moustache, which probably wasn’t anything to do with Movember, but reminded me of it, announced that Linden Lab had sent emails to regular users who were not adult verified, received a good response and then sent a follow up email advising those who did verify of where to find suitable content.

Why is this positive? Well it shows a decent train of thought from Linden Lab that was followed through to a sensible conclusion. When I signed up for Eve-Online a while back, my time as a noob was aided by emails giving me advice on what to do, Eve-Online has a steep learning curve. This was something I’d like to have seen Linden Lab do for new participants.

Now the targetted email campaign I mention here isn’t to do with new users, but the concepts could be used for new users, in many ways Linden Lab have avoided making themselves look like a spamfest by only targetting regular users, but the concepts of doing this can be applied to other areas, regular marketplace shoppers could be targetted for promotions, people who regularly create events could be targetted for emails specific to information regarding events yadda yadda yadda.

“Noooo” some of you may be crying, we don’t want to be spammed, but carefully selected elements of the userbase receiving emails that could well be useful, is a good use of tools, Linden Lab do at times email pretty much all of us, targetted marketing goes the extra mile, of course if it’s a regular mail campaign then they should invite people to signup for that, but in terms of trying to keep people informed, this looks like a sensible move to me and one I very much welcome.

There wasn’t much other news from the user group meeting, the freedom continent business is still pretty quiet although now fully in the works, the freedom continent are the group who have won the right to manage an adult gateway on mainland Zindra, Viale suggested it might be a good idea if they came to talk at the adult content user group, which is also something I agree with.

Ann OToole and Nalates Urriah lurked around the edges of the meeting:

Ann Otoole and Nalates Urriah

There were no sacrifices and nobody was bitten, well not in public anyway!

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