Out Of SL

Former Linden Qarl (Mesh Deformer) Linden has announced he is leaving Second Life due to the updated TOS. I’m also leaving Second Life but for entirely different reasons, although I do agree that the new TOS oversteps the mark. I am leaving because I fell behind on my tier payments.

I have to say that during this troublesome period, Linden Lab provided me with some fantastic support, in particular from TJ Linden and Izzy Linden, who were very understanding but ultimately they can only be sympathetic for a limited period of time.

I’ve had a blast with Second Life, a very expensive blast but a blast none the less. I’m still hoping that I can resolve my account issues at some point but that doesn’t look like it will happen in the short term.

Now as for this blog, I will keep it going for a while at least. Reporting on Second Life is going to be painful, but not impossible. I may also report on other virtual worlds or experiences. There’s a whole heap of issues to blog about and now I have more time on my hands I may be able to look at a wider range of angles.

Every cloud has a silver lining, although right now the clouds are dark and threatening rain! However the adventures continue.

Second Life remains a platform full of potential, some of that potential is a bit rusty these days and it limps in some quarters but the potential remains huge and the concept an excellent one. I hope to see Second Life grow and evolve for many years to come.

17 Replies to “Out Of SL”

  1. Yup, I agree. Dammit!

    /me glances around at the lifeless avi-corpses growing in number about our feet .. trying to shut out the thoughts that pound mercilessly at the great wooden doors of our future castle …


  2. Ciaran, how far behind? If it’s not much I’d be happy to help, keeping you in SL would be worth it. I’ll keep an eye on this thread if you want to reply or your commenting system has my email so feel free to just email me.

    1. Thanks for the very kind offer Gordon but I need to sort this myself, I hope to be back and I’m certainly keeping an eye on developments.

  3. Just caught up with my daily blog reads.

    All I can say is “:(” and “you bloody-well better not disappear, or I’ll hunt you down and drag you back!”.

    Seriously, I do hope things can be sorted out for the better. In the meantime, warmest hugs. You’re one of the people responsible for getting me started on the LS blogging malarky.

  4. Say it ain’t so, Ciaran!

    Very sorry to hear this but I look forward to reading your thoughts on whatever you choose to blog about.

    You might come over to OpenSim and do it in such a way that there is no tier. Works for me. 🙂

    Best of luck, Sir!

  5. am sorry to hear about your difficulties. i read your blog quite often. since back in the day when you and Sarah was on Nobody’s blog. i have lots of respect for your opinions and commentaries

    am pretty sure that you will overcome your present difficulties just by keeping on going and doing as best you can. like you doing now by owning the situation and also carrying on with your blog. is show of good character that is. so i am respect you for that as well

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