Destination Guide Website Could Do With Search And Consistency

There’s quite a nifty quick tip blog post from Linden Lab regarding communities. The post mostly concerns itself with groups and interests but it also touches upon the destination guide. I had a reason to use the destination guide today, searching for meeroos because the main sim wasn’t showing up in places search for me. This is when it struck me that the inworld version of the destination guide allows me to search it, a feature missing from the website version.

I like the destination guide, I think it’s a nifty feature and I love those ad widgets that allow you to copy and paste code to a website:

Torley Cyberpunk Island

This homage to classic computer games and cyberpunk culture places you “on the grid.” Amidst bouncing balls and other surreal experiments, explore the multi-leveled displays — be bold and fly up. Hang out here and you may spot a Torley at work in its digital habitat!

Visit in Second Life

However the website has all sorts of categories that inworld doesn’t have and inworld has the search feature, adding a search feature to the website would be really handy as it continues to grow. The destination guide of course also needs to be updated regularly, not just for new entries but also for entries that are no longer in existence, that’s the part I’m not convinced happens.

Highlighting communities, such as roleplaying, games, art etc. exemplifies quite well what people can do in Second Life, but it needs to utilise some of the basic tools one would expect and search is one of those tools. I’d also like to see inworld categories updated too, it has been a long time since Linden Lab looked at the inworld categories. I can’t list my roleplaying sim in the roleplaying category, because there isn’t one, yet the destination guide has a roleplaying section.

Breedables are another missing category, there really should be a breedables category, breedables and roleplaying are good areas for Linden Lab to help highlight because they both rely on land, which means tier payments, which means the wheels continue to turn.

I like what Linden Lab are doing with these quick tips, they are very handy and highlight basic features that new users in particular may miss. However I do think Linden Lab should acknowledge that the old categories for listing land and classifieds, don’t cover the new bases.

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