Can The Blocksworld Team Create A 100% Honest Second Life Trailer?

Draxtor Despres over on Twitter pointed me in the direction of the highly amusing Blocksworld 100% Honest Trailer, which I’ll embed at the end of the post. These guys sure know how to make a video and with a bit of prompting from Torley, we could be cooking on gas with a Second Life trailer on similar lines.

The video tells us that Blocksworld is : “From the country that gave you Minecraft and the country next to the country that invented Lego” now this doesn’t work for Second Life, well except for Lady Sakai who was telling me the other day that she was fed up with people thinking Scandanavia is a country and that we should appreciate they’re different countries out that way, so Lady Sakai will be happy that the creators of Blocksworld differentiate, but there’s a lot in that 100% honest trailer that fits perfectly with Second Life.

It’s the ultimate building game, but it isn’t really a game, but you build stuff.” Now come on, that works great for Second Life too! We often see people berated for calling Second Life a game, because it’s not really a game of course, but you can build stuff. They also describe Blocksworld as “The game that isn’t really a game … or is it?

You can build motorcycles, with awful cornering.” Again, this is a good fit! Vehicles in Second Life are problematic, yes they can be built, yes they can travel nicely along some roads but at some point you hit issues with sim crossings, rubber banding and fall off your seat.

Blocksworld is a world full of green grass, blue skies and sharp edges” This works too, unless you’re somewhere like Insilico, where there isn’t much in the way of green grass or blue skies! However even Insilico has sharp edges.

This is the sort of stuff that can be tailored around Second Life, of course there would need to be more, such as references to your shoes and hair may attach themselves to your backside, although not anywhere near as often these days but the basis for a 100% honest Second Life trailer is definitely there.

Linden Lab do advertise Second Life these days, they’ve been engaging with Google AdSense, which is good to see, otherwise they could have utlised another line or two from the Blocksworld trailer:

And please share this video with your friends because we can’t afford to buy advertising.”  That would definitely have been true a couple of years ago! There’s potential here for the Second Life team to take a lead from the Blocksworld team.

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