Sue Linden Weds SL Couples

There you are in Second Life, feeling all romantic and you send your chosen one a partnership request, and await eagerly for their reply…and wait…. and then wait some more, your heart filled with doubts…. when you realise your potential partner can’t accept the request because of a bloody bug! This is in some ways is so very Second Life isn’t it.

Jira Web-4154 is a tale of woe, expired requests, frustrated couples, people who feel the moment has been pretty much ruined but all is not lost, into this sorry tale comes Sue Linden!

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Linden Lab Joining Up The Dots

Yesterday’s adult content user group meeting revealed some interesting information about Linden Lab processes, a positive process too I should add

Viale Linden

Viale Linden, who was sporting a very dodgy moustache, which probably wasn’t anything to do with Movember, but reminded me of it, announced that Linden Lab had sent emails to regular users who were not adult verified, received a good response and then sent a follow up email advising those who did verify of where to find suitable content.

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Project LR – Flumps Go Wild!

This post is a tale of brave deeds by your intrepid hero (that’s me!) as I venture into a strange portal to be faced by dangeours beings and landscape to bring you, my loyal readers, news of new developments by Linden Lab in terms of providing an inworld experience, I deserve a beer for this … well a cookie at least!

Whilst reading SLUniverse, I noticed a post about Project LR, an inworld game designed by Linden Lab. This is currently in beta and only available to premium members. Now if you are a premium member and you go to locations inworld that are primarily based on premium members you may see something like this:


I’m not sure where these portals are going to appear, but eventually they will be available to non-premium users too. However, through this portal lies danger!

Continue reading “Project LR – Flumps Go Wild!”

Elf Clan Ship Sails To Inworldz

ElvenMyst, the sim owned by Elf Clan will be closing on November 23rd as the clan head to Inworldz full time, the full story is detailed here. There are a few points to note, first of all not all Elves are leaving Second Life, indeed my chief Elf has just poked me telling me I need to update the covenant on a sim. Secondly not all of Elf Clan are Elves!

The blog post by Wafinder Wishbringer is a harsh one, a tale of frustration, woe and cold harsh realities about running costs, Inworldz is cheaper, a lot cheaper and for some people it may seem like the better option, for me I still think Linden Lab are heading in the right direction under Rodvik but I have been to Inworldz where Lady Sakai tries to get me to rent land, one of the reasons I haven’t so far is because I’m at my limit with how much Im prepared to invest financially as well as time wise, days aren’t long enough but one day I will rent a plot from Lady Sakai, if she lets me! I’m sure we can come to some sort of arrangement. I’m a fan of virtual worlds so the more the merrier is fine by me.

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