Fantasy Faire 2013 is held in a land far away and as a blogger for the event, Dwarfins boss Dwarfins Judy has kindly allowed me to take up accomodation at the Dwarfins Store, which also happens to be the home of the Flaming Tankard Inn. On Tuesday night, I had some some strange experiences there, which meant I was out of action all day Wednesday!
Things started reasonably well, I returned to the accomodation after a hard working day.
Once inside I noticed The Dwarfins staff hard at work, meeting and greeting people.
On duty at the time was Olga Rockbeard.
Thorrak Rockbeard was also on duty.
They introduced me to an acquaintance in the shape and form of Fio’O Krolmskull Bethune.
At this stage nothing untoward had happened. I merrily chatted away and then decided to relax in the Flaming Tankard.
Fio : “Who is that?”
Olga : “He’s some sort of reporter, Judy said we need to look after him.”
Thorrak nodded agreement “Fio, keep an eye on him in there, Judy said we’re not to let him get drunk.”
I stepped into the inn.
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