Can The Blocksworld Team Create A 100% Honest Second Life Trailer?

Draxtor Despres over on Twitter pointed me in the direction of the highly amusing Blocksworld 100% Honest Trailer, which I’ll embed at the end of the post. These guys sure know how to make a video and with a bit of prompting from Torley, we could be cooking on gas with a Second Life trailer on similar lines.

The video tells us that Blocksworld is : “From the country that gave you Minecraft and the country next to the country that invented Lego” now this doesn’t work for Second Life, well except for Lady Sakai who was telling me the other day that she was fed up with people thinking Scandanavia is a country and that we should appreciate they’re different countries out that way, so Lady Sakai will be happy that the creators of Blocksworld differentiate, but there’s a lot in that 100% honest trailer that fits perfectly with Second Life.

It’s the ultimate building game, but it isn’t really a game, but you build stuff.” Now come on, that works great for Second Life too! We often see people berated for calling Second Life a game, because it’s not really a game of course, but you can build stuff. They also describe Blocksworld as “The game that isn’t really a game … or is it?

You can build motorcycles, with awful cornering.” Again, this is a good fit! Vehicles in Second Life are problematic, yes they can be built, yes they can travel nicely along some roads but at some point you hit issues with sim crossings, rubber banding and fall off your seat.

Blocksworld is a world full of green grass, blue skies and sharp edges” This works too, unless you’re somewhere like Insilico, where there isn’t much in the way of green grass or blue skies! However even Insilico has sharp edges.

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Second Life Official Quick Tip Video Features Torley Without Friendly Greetings!

Another blog post has appeared over the last 24 hours, almost as if someone found a dusty box in the corner of a room and realised it is still a useful tool. This one is a quick tip video about changing your avatar appearance and promotes shopping, largely on the marketplace but it does make a reference to inworld shopping too, yes it does still exist!

The blog post can be read here, I’ll embed the video at the end of the post. This video sounds like it was produced by Torley, I mean it sounds like Torley but there’s no “Friendly Greetings!” … how can a Torley video not have friendly greetings? Did that end up on the cutting room floor because it’s a quick tip?

The video itself seems to be aimed at new users and is the sort of video that would be useful inworld at welcome areas, I’m not sure how difficult it is these days to keep YouTube videos working inworld, it would be nice to be able to put such videos in newcomer friendly places but I know that in the past, YouTube videos have had a habit of no longer working.

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Linden Lab Launch Another Amazon Offer

Wounded, but not out, Linden Lab have decided to launch another Amazon adventure (that’s Amazon the company, not the wilderness) with an announcement on the blog, which you can read here. This time the blog post contains more information about how the offer works, which is good to see.

This time lucky participants can pick up a hoverboard bonus pack for free until January 29th, the hoverboard bonus pack usually goes for USD$12.95, details of the offer can be found here. In order to claim your free hoverboard you will need to link your Second Life and Amazon accounts, utilising the Amazon game connect feature, which is aimed at free to play MMO’s generally, but as there’s no suitable place for Second Life, which is a Multi User Virtual Environment, it goes in the free to play games section. This is an Amazon issue, not a Linden Lab issue, they’re fitting these offers in the most suitable category.

At least this blog post explains that the offer is only available to customers based in the United States Of America (Boooooo!). Again, this is an Amazon issue, not a Linden Lab issue.

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Linden Lab Empire Expands As They Acquire iPad Game Blocksworld

Linden Lab’s empire grows by the day, as they announce they’ve acquired the iPad game Blocksworld, the full press release can be read here. I may follow suit and issue a press release everytime I buy a new game … oh wait they haven’t just purchased the game to play in the Lab, they’ve purchased the whole kit and caboodle along with plans to globally release the game!

Rod Humble is quoted in the press release as saying: “Blocksworld is a great fit with what we do at Linden Lab, It’s a very user-friendly complement to our portfolio of shared creative spaces. We’re happy to have the Blocksworld team join Linden Lab and are looking forward to bringing Blocksworld to the App Store worldwide soon!

I’m really pleased to see Rod Humble speaking, I wondered where the bloody hell he’d gone! I did wonder if he was in hiding due to the nightmare season Aston Villa are having. Anyway, the next question is, what the bloody hell is Blocksworld? This is a genuine question as I’ve never heard of it!

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Those Who Seek Offence Will Find It

I can remember when I was a lad in Second Life that I had a PG parcel. One day, I noticed that next door a Gentleman’s club had opened and I wasn’t happy about this. The outside of the building and even the wording on the parcel was more risque then explicit but hey, this isn’t PG I thought. Stepping onto the parcel I realised the parcel was in a neighbouring sim and on further examination I realised that the neighbouring sim was mature. This was back in the days of only having maturity ratings of PG and Mature.

Now this made the PG rating of my parcel, meaningless, however the neighbouring parcel was not breaking any rules. I decide to pack up shop there and sell the PG parcel. I mentioned the silliness of this situation to a Linden, who agreed that said situation was silly and had been discussed.

Quite a few moons later Linden Lab unleashed the adult category, as with many Linden Lab ideas it had good intentions but was delivered in a very poor fashion. However now we have three maturity ratings, the issue of General sims neighbouring Moderate sims still exists, but adult sims are in their own category and we can filter adult results in our preferences, we can exclude them totally, this is a better situation than we had before because Mature or as it’s known now, Moderate, has quite a wide scope, so excluding adult helps to avoid the more extreme content.

I’m reminded of this because I’ve just read an article, which I’m not going to link to, that complains about extreme adult content in Second Life and in this article, to demonstrate that extreme adult content exists, the author set their preferences to adult and listed events, which included adult content. They also searched for a particular type of extreme adult content and then published the results, with outrage. I’m sorry but if you go out of your way to search for extreme adult content, you’re hardly in a position to complain about finding it. The author could try unticking safe search on Google and searching for similar results, the results will be shocking too.

Continue reading “Those Who Seek Offence Will Find It”


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