Cheerio Courtney

In between Blondin and Amanda leaving Linden Lab, another community based Linden left, Courtney. There have been rumours that Courtney and Amanda might have left over the SL8B logo issue, although in the case of Courtney this seems unlikely as the word on the street is that Courtney left on June 10th after handing in her two week’s notice.

People move on, it’s a fact of life and like Blondin and Amanda, one would hope that Courtney has moved on to better things. Courtney I didn’t know as well as Blondin or Amanda (whom I didn’t really know either), I don’t recall Courtney holding any office hours. However what I do recall about Courtney is that she was enthusiastic, positive in the face of negativity and seemed to enjoy herself.

I can recall at the Valentine’s event that I gave up trying to get a kiss with Courtney, who was sporting a pair of wings, because there was a bloody great queue to get on the pose ball with her.

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Alex Through The Looking Glass

Alexia Cournoyer's SL8B build

Alexia Cournoyer, owner of The Art Thing has an interesting exhibit ready for SL8B which involves magic, scripting, building and art! I’ve been speaking to Alexia through the time she has been bringing this exhibit alive, as well as talking to Alexia’s scripting assistant, Sorvats Kappa of SGK scripts. The theme of SL8B is the magic of Second Life, so my questions during the interview did touch upon that magic and whether it exists. Now being a Drow Wizard I don’t need any excuse to dress up, but for this interview with the charming Alexia I decided human form and Wizard garb was the best bet, so I hid my face under my wizard’s hat and got on with the interview.

Alexia and Ciaran

Alexia’s theme is quite clearly inspired by Alice Through The Looking Glass, hence the name! However the garden also been populated by some of Alexia’s other works of art, so when you do go visit take your time to look around the entire build.


I started with the basics by asking Alexia how long she had been a Second Life resident: “1751 days – 6 weeks short of 5 years, and I still remember my first day like it was yesterday” replied Alexia, did that first day feel magic I asked: “No but it was setting the scene, I’ve only glimpsed the magic a couple of times down those years but it’s mighty powerful stuff,  I see the magic as being behind a door and very rarely will you find the right key to open it, but when you do, it’s breathtaking.”

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SL8B Officially Opens June 20th

I’ve had a busy couple of weeks work wise and inworld I’ve been helping a very good friend with her exhibit for SL8B, as well as talking to someone else whom I’ve chatted to for quite a number of years at office hours about his exhibit for SL8B. I’ll be looking to reveal a sneak peek about the first of these over the weekend, although I don’t want to give too much away, the press people will I believe be getting sneak peeks of all of it this weekend, I could poke one of them for information but I think I’ll just wait and see about the other exhibits.

I’m torn between wanting to blog about these exhibits and feeling it’s unfair to jump the gun, although both people have said I can blog, I did say to one of them that I will blog once the event is officially opened, although if anyone else blogs about it, I may jump the gun! SL8B will officially open on Monday June 20th, with a speech from Rodvik, asking what the hell Randy Lerner is playing at appointing Alex McLeish as Villa manager ….. oh wait, that’s my speech!

SL8B is one heck of a milestone for Second Life and Linden Lab, the theme being the magic of Second Life, as explained on the official blog. There is also a blog dedicated just to SL8B itself, which you can read here. There are some sneak peeks there too.

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Amanda Has Left The Building?

The word on the street is that Amanda has left the building, rather oddly I’d seen people suggesting Amanda had left and thought they were getting confused, but it looks as if there is no confusion and Linden Lab look to be past employers of one of Mark Kingdon’s appointments. Amanda had previously worked for Organic, as of course had Mark Kingdon.

Amanda wasn’t without her faults, but who isn’t, however she did seem keen to get on with things, which is a trait in her that I admired. The surprising thing about Amanda’s apparent departure is that recently at the adult user group meeting she had been telling us that Blondin would be replaced but she’d be chairing the meeting until such time as a replacement for Blondin was appointed.

Amanda Linden

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It Works Fine For Me!

At work, there’s always a groan when one of the team reports a problem to me and I tell them “It’s working fine for me“, there’s a groan because for a start they know I’m not dismissing the complaint but more importantly, because it’s not a helpful answer.

There have been a couple of posts over at New World Notes where issues have been identified but people seem to want to blame the user, in some cases it is an issue for the user, but just because something works fine for you or I, doesn’t mean there isn’t an issue with the service.

The first post was from Chestnut Rau regarding a visit to Inworldz, and with the specs Chestnut has, it is odd that she experienced such poor performance.  The second post was from Hamlet, regarding visiting a popular sim, again, with the specs Hamlet has you wouldn’t expect such poor performance, even if he is using wireless. I can connect to SL with my Mac downstairs on a wireless connection.

Continue reading “It Works Fine For Me!”


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