SL Capex relaunched

Sometimes you get blasts from the past in Second Life and one big blast from the past appeared in a notecard yesterday when I was informed that not only is SL Capex still going, it now has a new CEO in the form of Skip Oceanlane.

I’d forgotten all about SL Capex, which became JT Wallet or something like that during the great banking crash and burn after banks were banned, but it’s still there, there’s a website still there:

Stock Markets in Second Life have been fraught with danger and a lack of oversight, when they were at their peak there were still plenty of questions about them. This is going to be a hard road to tread but if people want to try again, that’s their choice, people just need to be careful of what they’re doing.

The message from Skip, reads:

My name is Skip Oceanlane, and I’m the new CEO of SLCapEx.  I see that you haven’t visited us lately, and I wanted to let you know that we’d really appreciate your business once again.  I just bought the exchange last month, and I’d like to hear from you about how I can make this place better.

This is a new beginning for all of us. I have already put things into motion that will absolutely revolutionize the way stock market simulations like this operate within Second Life. A few people tell me it cannot be done, that stock exchange simulations like this are destined to failure because of fraud, theft, and absentee CEO’s. Well I have news for you folks – there’s a new Sheriff in town 🙂 You will see many new investors, exciting new stable companies that will pay a consistent dividend, and even a guaranteed fraud insurance fund that will refund you a % of your lost investment in a failed company.

Shareholders deserve to be treated like gold. Without them, SLCapEx is nothing. We cannot have an environment where they constantly get scammed, lose their money, and get frustrated and leave. They deserve information and answers to their legitimate questions about a company. They deserve at minimum simple revenue and expense datasheet to determine if the company is a good investment or not. They deserve to see monthly financial statements EVERY month – not just when the CEO feels like posting it. They deserve to be able to go to a place in-world to find out more about what a listed company does to earn Lindens in Second Life – not watch an empty forum where a CEO posts nothing for months and everyone is guessing what’s going on. They deserve to be able to attend shareholder meetings to both socialize and find out what direction the company is headed to. Most importantly, shareholders need to be treated with respect. And that is what is going to happen from this point forward under my watch.

Lots of good things are happening here.  We have more than doubled the amount of companies listed within the last 34 days because the International Stock Exchange merger with us, as well as other companies from Vstex and the former ACE exchange joining us.  We have some exciting new companies doing Initial Public Offerings which will add 4-5 more companies in the next few weeks.  Most importantly, we are enforing rules to better protect you the investor.

So stop by our new headquarters in Crystal Springs and give us a second chance to serve you.  Whether you’re a small or large investor, or a company that needs Lindens to grow, we can help you.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Thank you.


Skip Oceanlane
CEO and Majority Shareholder

As I said, people need to take care of these exchanges, some have been well run in the past whereas others haven’t, SL Capex was more reputable back in the day but this is a different day and I don’t know much about Skip Oceanland, the name however is extremely familair so residents older than me may have more insight. I know that Nobody Fugazi blogged about Skip when Your2ndplace was still around, that was two or three years ago when it was news, all I can say is to watch what happens here, it could be a fun ride.

4 Replies to “SL Capex relaunched”

  1. I don’t know much about Skip either but Slcapex has always been on the up and up as an exchange. They’ve definitely have had their fair share of failed company but no more if not less than any other exchange and with one or two notable exceptions (in my opinion Phoenix was and is a massive train wreck) they’ve handled them well.

    I’ll note for disclosure that I still have some money with the exchange (albeit not under this name for semi-confidential reasons)

    1. I can’t remember if I still have any money there, if I do it’s tiny, I think it was Arbitage Wise who ran it before, I know they were considered less controversial than some of the other exchanges and when it all went belly up after the banking ban, they were one of the few to try and do the right thing.

  2. Yes, so far it has been a fun ride since I took over January 15, 2011 🙂 And Ciaran Laval, you currently have an account with no balance – I invite you to come back and give us another try. Anyone that wants to know more about me, feel free to give me a call at (845) 863-6171. My rl name is Carmen Dubaldi. We have great things happening at again. New honesty and openness is the way we do business here. I can’t control what the companies listed do, but I can control the stability of the exchange and integrity of the trading system. Anyone that has questions, feel free to contact me.

    Skip Oceanlane
    CEO and Majority Shareholder
    Capital Exchange

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