SFF Writer Elizabeth Bear Set To Visit Fantasy Faire Today

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Science Fiction and Fantasy writer, Elizabeth Bear, is this year’s LitFest guest of honour at Fantasy Faire 2019 and Elizabeth is set to visit Second Life today, April 23rd, at 2:00pm SLT to partake in an interview.

This is the first of two scheduled visits to Second Life by Elizabeth Bear, the second is scheduled for Friday, April 26th at 2:00pm SLT when Elizabeth is scheduled to read from her works.


The interview is scheduled to take place in Trollmouth, in the Trollhaugen region, if you haven’t had time to visit Trollhaugen then I strongly urge you to do so because it has some spectacular sights.

Troll of Rock

Elizabeth Bear shares a birthday with Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, but the word on the street is that her birthday parties aren’t quite as spectacular as Bilbo’s eleventy first. More importantly, Elizabeth is a Hugo, Sturgeon, Locus, and Campbell Award winning author of many novels and even more short stories.

Elizabeth’s work includes Ancestral Night and The Red-Stained Wings , but that’s not even close to covering the diverse range of novels and stories Elizabeth has produced, back in 2015, Liz Bourke over at Tor.Com wrote of Elizabeth Bear :

“She’s not just a prolific writer. She’s a writer who jumps subgenres, and sometimes styles, from book to book and series to series, and absolutely in her short fiction. She’s always trying something new.

So where should you start?

That depends on what you’re looking for. SF, fantasy, epic fantasy, steampunk, spies? What floats your boat?”

If you are interested in hearing Elizabeth speak, pop along to Trollhaugen today at 2:00pm SLT.

SLURL : https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/FF%20Trollhaugen/150/115/136

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