Second Life Plot Shocker As The Donald Makes Way For Hillary

Hilary Clinton HQ

When Bixyl Shuftan blogged about The Trump Manor over at SL Newser back in early April I doubt he realised the chain of events he had unleashed. Bixyl’s post came to the attention of publications with a reach far beyond Second Life.

Kotaku picked up the news with Patricia Hernandez writing Donald Trump’s Second Life Mansion Is Owned By An Anime School Girl

Outside Hilary HQ

Second Life is of course a dynamic place, plots change and twist on a regular basis and this has been exemplified beautifully by a post yesterday from Hamlet Au over at New World Notes : Donald Trump’s Second Life Mansion Replaced by Hillary HQ.

Yes that’s right, the plot that once housed Trump Manor now has new owners and it’s out with The Donald and in with Hillary!

I'm With Hilary

Hamlet Au spoke to the new plot owner,  Candace Larganta, who told him :

“I happened to comeback for a visit and noticed the plot was vacant. Aha! Why not create a Hillary HQ. I support her (and Bernie as well), but lean very heavily in her direction.”

Why not indeed and with politics being at times a dirty game, there are some gentle jibes aimed in the direction of The Donald at the Hillary HQ.

You Say Potato

There are also neighbours who haven’t been tempted to change their allegiance just yet. A “Bernie 2016” is on top of one building, whilst another sports a “Willie Nelson For President 2016” flag.

Feel The Bern?

Rest easy Trump supporters, Second Life isn’t a Trump free zone, if you travel around you will still find Trump banners in other locations.

Trump Campaign

The election is still quite a few months away, expect more banners, more HQ’s and more strange sentences blogged before the results are in.

SLURL To Hillary HQ :

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