Like many roleplaying sims in Second Life, Taure Ru has rules. The best way of avoiding rules for the casual visitor is of course to pay attention to the rules that inform you to pick up a visitor tag and wear it! However even then you should be mindful of your surroundings and try to dress in character at least.
Taure Ru is a mysterious kingdom, its origins are said to be dark, but no one seems to want to talk about them. However there is plenty of information around to give you an idea of the kind of roleplay that goes on in this mysterious land.
This is classic fantasy adventure territory with guilds, factions and characters who will be mages, warriors, assassins, musicians and dancers. The latter two are probably an example of where Second Life roleplay differs from more mainstream video game versions because dancers and musicians in Second Life are quite important when it comes to entertainment.
If you’re not familiar with roleplay in Second Life then it can be a challenge. Generally you write your own character biographies and you apply to be accepted. Many people find this challenging. However there is a freedom to roleplay in Second Life that games don’t provide because you can, as long as you stick within the rules, develop your own character in the image you have envisaged. This is both empowering and intimidating.
The roleplay in Taure Ru should appeal to fans of medieval fantasy, so we’re talking Dungeons and Dragons, Lord Of The Rings style adventures here. This is a market that has potential in Second Life but also has competition and that has proven very challenging for many a roleplaying sim in Second Life.
Taure Ru is also a place for live action roleplay, the story isn’t set in front of you, you need to improvise, create your own conversations and immerse yourself in the world. This isn’t for everyone, but if it sounds appealing to you then you can pop along to Taure Ru, read the rules and information, wear the visitor tag and take a look around to see if you really like the look of it.
At the very least, you’ll get a view of some beautiful Second Life builds.

Taure Ru
Taure Ru is a gorgeous medieval fantasy role-play sim filled with
underground cities, mazes, castles all in a dark setting of orcs,
unseelie, drow, and dragons. Be a warrior, wizard, ranger, or druid
and save a life or bring about a cataclysm. It is your story! Come
explore and join in the ongoing story of this mysterious land.
Visit in Second Life
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