Flasmobbed By The Second Life Illuminati At Meauxle Bureaux As The Lindens Meet The Residents

Xiola Leads The Dance

It was a normal Wednesday, I was sat in a building in Meauxle Bureaux going through my to do list, plan for Fantasy Faire, take photos,plot virtual world domination, you know, nothing out of the ordinary, when my peace was rudely shattered by a dancing flashmob led by none other than Xiola Linden!

There’s only one thing a self respecting Dwarfin King can do when faced by a mob like this, run for your life!

Shaman Linden

I hid in a top secret location (The top of the stairs) and watched as the hordes arrived. Shaman Linden in particular appeared to be up to no good.

Michael Linden

However my suspicisons that this was a really secretive meeting were really raised when the leader of the Linden Department Of Public Works, Michael Linden, AKA The Mole King, arrived.

Inara Pey

However I quickly realised this wasn’t just a meeting of Lindens, the presence of the likes of Inara Pey raised my suspicions that this was a meeting of the Second Life illuminati!

If any further evidence were needed that something extremely suspicious was going on, a certain Bavarian would soon confirm it.

Draxtor Despres

Draxtor Despres, complete with microphone and wandering freely around schmoozing with all and sundry really gave the game away. There were whispers that Xiola Linden had announced on Twitter that the Lindens would be meeting the residents today and this certainly looked like a meeting of Lindens and residents, but what exactly were they plotting?

Danie Voyager

An owl by the name of Daniel Voyager had arrived and I witnessed him taking selfies near the fountain. Obviously this was all part of the heinous plot that the virtual illuminati were cooking up.

Cubey Terra

Daniel wasn’t the only person who was arriving by air. Second Life’s aeronautical legend Cubey Terra had also arrived, although by a different mode of air transport.

Alexa Linden

Meanwhile Alexa “Will you please stay bloody still so I can take a photo” Linden had quietly arrived under the guise of “Bug hunting“. However I could hear the whispers, they were waiting for someone by the name of “Mr Big” to arrive and address the crowd and he soon turned up.

Ebbe Linden

The virtual illuminati went quiet as he walked to a space near the bottom of the stairs. He may have changed from the smart suit he was wearing at his last public appearance at Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education into more casual attire, but there were no two ways about it, this was Ebbe Altberg, Linden Lab CEO.

The gathering was now complete, I listened intently to their words, their plans, what would I uncover?

Let’s all go outside to the fountain for photos” shouted Xiola Linden, and to much cheering, they all went outside to the fountain for some photos. Personally I think this was some sort of secret code, although I haven’t cracked it yet.

Top Of The World

As for me, I remained safe dear readers, I remained safe. Hidden in plain sight at the top of the stairs, they had no idea that I had infiltrated their group. Reports suggested that over 60 residents turned up to meet the Lindens, 60, that’s how deep this conspiracy goes. Keep your eyes peeled folks, there could be more to come!

Meauxle Bureaux

Meauxle Bureaux is the home of the Linden Department of Public Works, a program focused on improvements related to the experience of living in and visiting the Linden Mainland. This intricate build was lovingly crafted by resident experts for all to enjoy, so come see the ultimate in shared creative spaces!

Visit in Second Life

SLURL To Meauxle Bureaux : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Meauxle%20Bureaux/154/124/29/

9 Replies to “Flasmobbed By The Second Life Illuminati At Meauxle Bureaux As The Lindens Meet The Residents”

  1. There is no Second Life Illuminati. They told me so themselves, and you know if they say it, it must be true.

  2. Okay, now I understand what happened β€” I decided to spend a few minutes of my lunch break visiting Meauxle Bureaux but when I arrived for the party, I found myself locked in place (I think I am hiding behind Drax in your picture.)

    I escaped, thinking it was just my connection lagging, but now I see it was part of a larger plot. Thank you Ciaran, for exposing this conspiracy!

    1. Yes you were sat in the fountain, as in your legs were sunk into it too, which made getting a photo before I crashed a tad tricky, alas.

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