Episode 27 of the excellent Drax Files : World Makers features Nylon Pinkney, a wedding photographer. However a small twist in the introduction informs us that Nylon is a wedding photographer outside of Second Life but not inside it. There’s a clue on why Nylon made that choice later in the video.
Nylon informs us that she makes clothing, accessories and skins, Nylon even informs us that she once made some of the Second Life starter avatars.
Again we see the Second Life avatar and the real person behind that avatar, which is a technique Draxtor Despres uses regularly and to good effect. Seeing and hearing the real person brings an element of realism to the Second Life experience.
We see Nylon at work, hand drawing textures, which Nylon admits aren’t perfect but Nylon also admits that she isn’t looking for perfect and that’s a good point, imperfections often bring something extra to a creation.
Nylon’s mainstore is Nylon outfitters and is based on her sim, Tableau. Nylon also has a more upmarket stores known as Paper Couture. There’s also another brand mentioned in this video, the Wrigglesworth residents which is a line for people who, look a tad older than the traditional Second Life avatar.
Nylon also has family support in the shape and form of her real life sister, AKA Polyester Partridge in Second Life, who makes accessories.
What really stands out in this video is how Second Life allows someone to create items in their own vision, how Second Life encourages people to learn the creative process and how it’s a person’s own choice what they do. This really hits home when Nylon informs us how in the real world she works in family business of wedding photographers, which Nylon tells us wasn’t her choice. Second Life on the other hand, was Nylon’s choice.
This is another good video from Draxtor which once more gets behind the avatar oh so well. Second Life often makes the headlines for all the wrong reasons and one of the most disappointing aspects of that is that you don’t really scratch far beneath the surface to find the positives of virtual worlds such as Second Life. Whereas the stereotypes still hold strong, Draxtor Despres’ series continues to challenge and undermine those stereotypes.
SLURL To Tableau : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tableau/127/128/23