Phaze Demesnes
Phaze is a magic land of water, dragons, fairies, demons, unicorns and robots. Follow the paths that lead to dozens of quiet, romantic spots in a colorful and relaxing landscape. Find the dragons to ride and the demons to fight in the arena. Chat with the animated talking trees, statues and paintings.
Visit in Second Life
Bay Sweetwater delivers the sad news that the magic land of water, dragons, fairies, unicorns that makes up Phaze Demesnes is set to close in Second Life in the next few days. However all is not lost, the creators behind Phaze, Ferd Frederix (AKA Fred Beckhusen) and Wavingirlsav Voom ( AKA Debbie Edwards) are leaving a parting gift by giving all of their creations away for free.
In a Google + post on December 16th, Fred Beckhusen said :
In 10 days all Phaze freebies are gone forever. So get your free mesh horse while you still can. Works in any sim, even no-script sims. Two years in the making. Lots and lots of skins and armor patterns, footprins, dust trails and most importantly, Unicorns!
So get them whilst they’re hot. Probably worth trying to get some photos too.
Fred and Debbie aren’t leaving the virtual world scene and will still have a place using OpenSim.
I must go there asap and can only wish the best on open sim.