I’m Leaving On A Jet Plane

Ok so this blog is going on holiday for a fortnight, largely because the evil drow wizard who runs it is also going on holiday for a fortnight. Now being as this is a modern era and I’m a semi modern man, I will be taking mobile devices with me.

However here’s the rub, I’ll be hopefully locking them mostly in a safe as I’m going to the beach! Yes that place with sand, sea and sun! I may engage with Twitter though.

Now whilst I’m gone I would like you to do some things and have fun. First and foremost, I want you to visit Fantasy Faire. Trust me on this, you’ll like it. Hey you may not like Orcs, you may not like Elves, you may not like furries, you may not like Dwarfins but you will find something you like, there are hunts, live music, DJ’s, shopping! An awesome event like this should not be missed and at the end of the day, it’s for a very good cause.

Next I’d like you to sample Project Interesting because this is a venture from Linden Lab aimed at improving your Second Life experience, don’t be shy about trying this out, even if you go back to your viewer of choice afterwards.

After this my dear minions, the choice is yours. I trust that you will delve deep into controversies, fight for the good cause of truth and justice and be wary of geeks bearing gifts.

There’s a big old world out there and I really need some sun on my back, I’ll be leaving on a jet plane and I know when I should be back again, but you never know where fate may take one, I may be put in a situation where someone unleashes The Kraken, which is where visiting Fantasy Faire is very useful.

Also, please don’t burn any witches whilst I’m away!

The virtual world has many many strong points, but sunshine and sea aren’t really amongst them, that level of richness, the smell, the feel, the touch, they simply can’t be replicated … ok nor can the beer! One day maybe, but that’s a day far far away.

For now, take care and boldly go where no avatar has gone before, failing that, go where many avatars have gone before. Safe Paths.

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