Machinima Expo Open Now!

I was asking on Twitter “What has happened to Metareality Podcast?” being as the site hasn’t been updated for a month, when I received the shocking news from @Draxtor:

we all died of food poisoning and I’m speaking from beyond grave. Meantime – check @machinexpo kicking off today!!!

Oh no! How terrible!” thought I, quickly followed by “Wait a minute …. they’d have got away with it if it wasn’t for those pesky kids!

Therefore I found myself at the Machinima-Expo website. A quick step off topic here, if we could have Group pages similar to our profile pages, just think, not only could people follow this on Twitter, they could follow it via mysecondlife too! Where was I, oh yes, the machinma-expo. The expo runs from November 16th – November 18th and is being broadcast live 24/7.

The expo is taking place in Second Life, so you can attend there or via the website I linked above.


The press release informs us that there will be keynote/locknote speeches from Torley Linden and Will Wright as well as presentations and panels including Tom Jantol (Dear Fairy), Chris Burke (This Spartan Life) and Daniel Moshel (login2life).

However there’s even more, seventy films will be screened during the expo, surely this is going to get a message of the day mention?

A full list of the movie reels can be found here, I must confess that I’m not into Machinima, I like the concept of it but don’t get around to watching much, so hopefully I’ll get to see some this weekend. I’ve heard of Toxic Menges, who isn’t featuring this year and I’ve heard of Chantal Harvey, but I must admit that the list of names isn’t familiar to me. However we must also appreciate that Machinima goes way beyond Second Life.

That extension beyond Second Life is exemplified by the list of sponsors:

So this event looks very worthwhile when it comes not only to watching movies, but also finding out more information about software to make machinima. The only problem I really have is that there are only twenty four hours in a day, but I really hope to pop along and catch some of this.

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