In the help and about section of the Second Life viewer you will find the credits, lots of names:
Now how you get on this list I have no idea, I once read it was from logging into the beta grid. The Lindens, well that’s obvious and the translators, who do brilliant work, that’s obvious too. However the middle section, the Opensource contributions, I don’t know how you get in there. So, for a bit of fun and frolics, I’ve sorted these lists alphabetically.
There are names of long left, but not forgotten Lindens, well except for the ones we’ve never heard of, which will be a few I’d imagine, but they all made contributions. Then there are amongst the opensource list, long left avatars too, although some super awesome avatars are in there, I’m still confused as to how they get there.
Let’s also not forget that Second Life is brought to us by basically everyone who enters the world and that many people make valuable contributions whom aren’t listed in the credits, I’m just doing this for a bit of fun. I compiled the list using copy and paste and then transposing the results, so apologies if my mousework missed some in the cut.
The lists are under the cut…. of course if you’ve came straight here from a link, there is no cut!
The Lindens
- Aaron
- adreanne
- Adrian
- AG
- Aimee
- Al
- Alain
- Alec
- Alee
- alexa
- Alfonso
- Allison
- Amanda
- Amber
- Ambroff
- Andrea
- Andrew
- Angela
- angelo
- Annette
- Arch
- Ariane
- Aric
- Ashlei
- ashley
- Aura
- Austin
- babbage
- Bacon
- Bagman
- Bambers
- Banzai
- Bao
- Baron
- Beast
- Beck
- Beez
- Bender
- Benjamin
- benoc
- Bernard
- Berry
- bert
- Beth
- Betsy
- Bevis
- Bewest
- Bianca
- BigPapi
- BK
- Blake
- Blondin
- Blue
- Bo
- Brad
- Brandy
- Brenda
- Brent
- Brett
- Bridie
- Brodesky
- Brooke
- Bub
- Bundah
- Caleb
- Callen
- Callum
- Calyle
- Campbell
- Carla
- Carlo
- Carmilla
- Casssandra
- Catherine
- CB
- CeeLo
- CG
- Char
- Charity
- Charlar
- charlene
- Charlie
- Charrell
- Chase
- Cheah
- Chris
- Christa
- Christopher
- Christy
- Clare
- Claudia
- Coco
- Cody
- Cogsworth
- Colossus
- Cornelius
- Corr
- Courtney
- Coyot
- Crimp
- Crispin
- Cru
- Cyn
- Dakota
- Dan
- dana
- Danica
- Dante
- Darv
- Dawn
- Dee
- del
- delby
- Derrick
- Dessie
- Devin
- Dez
- Doc
- Don
- Dore
- Doris
- Doten
- Doug
- Dough
- dragon
- Drofnas
- Ducot
- Durian
- Dustin
- Dylan
- Dynamike
- Echo
- Eddie
- Einstein
- Ekim
- Eli
- Elikak
- Elise
- elsie
- Ember
- emma
- Enkidu
- Enus
- Epic
- Eric
- Erica
- Esbee
- Esther
- Everett
- Falcon
- Fan
- Fisher
- FJ
- Fredrik
- Fritz
- Gabrielle
- Gail
- Galen
- Garry
- Gayathri
- Gecko
- Geo
- George
- Gez
- Ghengis
- Gia
- Gibson
- Gino
- Ginsu
- gisele
- Grant
- Grapes
- Gray
- Green
- Greger
- Gulliver
- Guy
- Hamilton
- Harry
- Hele
- Hiromi
- House
- Huseby
- Ian
- Inoshiro
- Iridium
- Itiaes
- Ivan
- Ivy
- Izzy
- Jack
- jacob
- Jaime
- James
- jane
- Jared
- Jarv
- Jason
- jay
- Jean
- Jeff
- jenelle
- Jenn
- Jeremy
- Jerm
- Jeska
- Jesse
- jessieann
- Jill
- Jillian
- Jim
- Joe
- Johan
- Jon
- Jonathan
- JoRoan
- Jose
- Joshua
- Joy
- JP
- Jt
- Juan
- Judy
- June
- Justin
- kari
- Karina
- Kate
- Katelin
- Katie
- Katt
- Kaye
- kaylee
- Kazu
- Keira
- Kelly
- Kelv
- Ken
- kend
- Kevin
- Khanh
- Kim
- Kimmora
- Kip
- Kirsten
- kj
- Kona
- Kotler
- kraft
- kristen
- kurt
- kurz
- kyle
- Ladan
- Lan
- Landon
- laurap
- Lauren
- Lee
- Leonidas
- Les
- Leslie
- Lex
- Lexie
- Leyla
- Liana
- Lil
- Lis
- Lisa
- Log
- Lorca
- Lordan
- Lori
- Lotte
- M
- Madeline
- madhavi
- Madison
- Mae
- Maestro
- Maggie
- Makai
- Malbers
- Mango
- Mani
- maria
- Marin
- Marius
- Mark
- Marty
- Matias
- Matthew
- maurice
- Max
- melissa
- Mercille
- Merov
- Meta
- Mia
- Michael
- Michele
- Michon
- Milo
- Milton
- Minerva
- Missy
- Mitchell
- miz
- MJ
- Molly
- Monty
- Morpheus
- MZ
- Nat
- Nathan
- Nelly
- Nelson
- Neuro
- Newell
- Niall
- Niko
- Noelle
- Nora
- Nya
- Nyx
- Ola
- Oreh
- Oskar
- Oz
- Pastrami
- Patch
- Pathfinder
- Patsy
- Peggy
- Periapse
- Perry
- Pete
- Philip
- Phoenix
- Pink
- Pixie
- Poppy
- Pramod
- Praveen
- Prep
- Prospero
- Pup
- Q
- Qarl
- Quixote
- Rakesh
- Ram
- Ramzi
- Rand
- Raymond
- Red
- Reed
- rei
- Rei
- Reuben
- Rhett
- Richard
- Rico
- Rika
- Ringo
- Rob
- Robert
- Robin
- Rodney
- Rodvik
- Rome
- Ron
- Rothman
- rountree
- Rowan
- roxie
- Rue
- Runitai
- Ryan
- Sabin
- Sally
- Samuel
- sandy
- Sarana
- Sardonyx
- Sascha
- Scarlet
- Scobu
- Scott
- Scouse
- Sea
- sean
- sejong
- Seraph
- Seth
- Shannon
- Shawn
- Sheldon
- simon
- Simone
- siobhan
- Siz
- Slaton
- Socrates
- Soft
- Space
- spider
- Spike
- Squid
- Squire
- Steffan
- Steph
- stephany
- Steve
- Steven
- Stinson
- Stipp
- Stone
- Storrs
- Sue
- Susan
- Swiss
- t
- Taka
- Taras
- Tatem
- Tatva
- Teddy
- Teeple
- Terrence
- tessa
- Theeba
- Thor
- Thumper
- Tia
- Tiffany
- Tiggs
- Tj
- Tobin
- Tofu
- Tony
- Torley
- Torres
- Trinity
- Tyler
- Urvashi
- Usi
- Viale
- Vicky
- Vir
- Vogt
- Walker
- Wallace
- Webb
- Wen
- Wendy
- Which
- William
- Wolf
- Xan
- xandix
- Xiola
- yang
- Yi
- Yool
- Yoshi
- Yoz
- Zed
- Zee
- Zeeshan
- Zen
Opensource Contributions From:
- 45ms Zhong
- Able Whitman
- Adam Marker
- Adeon Writer
- Aeonix Aeon
- Agathos Frascati
- Ai Austin
- Aiko Ying
- Aimee Trescothick
- Alejandro Rosenthal
- Aleric Inglewood
- Ales Beaumont
- Alexandrea Fride
- Alissa Sabre
- Alliez Mysterio
- Angus Boyd
- Ann Congrejo
- Annie Milestone
- Annika Genezzia
- Ansariel Hiller
- Aralara Rajal
- Ardy Lay
- Argent Stonecutter
- Armin Weatherwax
- ArminasX Saiman
- ArminWeatherHax
- Arya Braveheart
- Asaeda Meltingdots
- Asturkon Jua
- Asuka Neely
- Aura Dirval
- Avallyn Oakleaf
- Avatar Quinzet
- BabyA Littlething
- Bacchus Ireto
- Balp Allen
- Bazaar
- Be Holder
- Beansy Twine
- Benja Kepler
- Benjamin Bigdipper
- Beth Walcher
- Bezilon Kasei
- Biancaluce Robbiani
- Bill Walach
- Blakar Ogre
- blakopal Galicia
- blino Nakamura
- Blitzckreed Levenque
- Borg Capalini
- Boroondas Gupte
- Bryn Oh
- Buckaroo Mu
- Bulli Schumann
- bushing Spatula
- Callipygian Christensen
- Cap Carver
- Carjay McGinnis
- Carla Broek
- Carr Arbenlow
- Catherine Pfeffer
- Cayu Cluny
- Celierra Darling
- Chantal Harvey
- Charles Courtois
- Charlie Sazaland
- Cherry Cheevers
- ChickyBabes Zuzu
- Christopher Organiser
- Ciaran Laval
- Cinder Roxley
- Clara Young
- Coaldust Numbers
- Colpo Wexler
- Corinne Helendale
- Corro Moseley
- Coughdrop Littlething
- Cron Stardust
- Cypren Christenson
- Dale Glass
- Dante Tucker
- Darien Caldwell
- Dartagan Shepherd
- Debs Regent
- Decro Schmooz
- Denim Kamachi
- DiJodi Dubratt
- Dil Spitz
- Dimitrio Lewis
- Dirk
- Draconis Neurocam
- Drew Dri
- Drew Dwi
- Drewan Keats
- Dusan Writer
- Dylan Haskell
- Dzonatas Sol
- Eddi Decosta
- Eddy Stryker
- Edgware Marker
- Egehan Dryke
- Ellla McMahon
- Elric Anatine
- Emma Portilo
- Emmie Fairymeadow
- EponymousDylan Ra
- Eva Nowicka
- Eva Rau
- Evangelista Emerald
- Faelon Swordthain
- Farallon Greyskin
- Feep Larsson
- Fiachra Lach
- Flemming Congrejo
- Flower Ducatillon
- Fluf Fredriksson
- FreeSL Aeon
- Fremont Cunningham
- Frenchimmo Sabra
- Frontera Thor
- Fury Rosewood
- Gaberoonie Zanzibar
- Ganymedes Costagravas
- Geenz Spad
- Gene Frostbite
- GeneJ Composer
- Geneko Nemeth
- Gentle Heron
- Gentle Welinder
- Giggles Littlebird
- Gigs Taggart
- Ginko Bayliss
- Grady Echegaray
- Grazer Kline
- Gudmund Shepherd
- Guni Greenstein
- gwampa Lomu
- Gwyneth Llewelyn
- Gypsy Tripsa
- Hackshaven Harford
- Ham Rambler
- Hamncheese Omlet
- Han Shuffle
- Hanglow Short
- HappySmurf Papp
- Harleen Gretzky
- Hatzfeld Runo
- Henri Beauchamp
- herina Bode
- Hikkoshi Sakai
- Hiro Sommambulist
- Hitomi Tiponi
- Holger Gilruth
- Horatio Freund
- Hoze Menges
- Hydra Shaftoe
- Hypatia Callisto
- Hypatia Pickens
- Ian Kas
- Identity Euler
- Ima Mechanique
- Imnotgoing Sideways
- Inma Rau
- Innula Zenovka
- Irene Muni
- Iskar Ariantho
- Iyoba Tarantal
- Jacek Antonelli
- Jack Abraham
- Jagga Meredith
- JB Kraft
- Jennifer Boyle
- Jeremy Marquez
- Jessica Qin
- Jinx Nordberg
- Jo Bernandes
- Jocial Sonnenkern
- Joel Savard
- Joghert LeSabre
- Jonathan Yap
- Jondan Lundquist
- Josef Munster
- Josette Windlow
- Juilan Tripsa
- Juro Kothari
- Justin RiversRunRed
- Kadah Coba
- Kage Pixel
- Kagehi Kohn
- Kaimen Takahe
- Keklily Longfall
- Ken Lavender
- Ken March
- Kerutsen Sellery
- Kestral Karas
- Khisme Nitely
- Khyota Wulluf
- Kimar Coba
- Kithrak Kirkorian
- Kitty Barnett
- Kolor Fall
- Komiko Okamoto
- Korvel Noh
- Kunnis Basiat
- Lamorna Proctor
- Lance Corrimal
- Lares Carter
- Larry Pixel
- Latif Khalifa
- Laurent Bechir
- Leal Choche
- leliel Mirihi
- len Starship
- Lenae Munz
- Lexi Frua
- Lillie Cordeaux
- Lilly Zenovka
- Lisa Lowe
- Lizzy Macarthur
- Lockhart Cordoso
- LSL Scientist
- Luban Yiyuan
- Luc Starsider
- Luminous Luminos
- Lunita Savira
- Maccus McCullough
- maciek marksman
- Madison Blanc
- Maggie Darwin
- Magnus Balczo
- Malarthi Behemoth
- Mallory Destiny
- Malwina Dollinger
- Manx Wharton
- Marc Claridge
- Marc2 Sands
- march Korda
- Marianne McCann
- Marine Kelley
- MartinRJ Fayray
- Matthew Anthony
- Matthew Dowd
- Matto Destiny
- Maxim RiversRunRed
- McCabe Maxsted
- Medhue Simoni
- Mel Vanbeeck
- Melinda Latynina
- Mencius Watts
- Michelle2 Zenovka
- Michi Lumin
- Midian Farspire
- Miles Glaz
- Mindy Mathy
- Minerva Memel
- Mitch Wagner
- Mm Alder
- Mo Hax
- Mourna Biziou
- Mr Greggan
- Nao Noe
- naofan Teardrop
- Naomah Beaumont
- Nathiel Siamendes
- Nber Medici
- Neko Link
- Netpat Igaly
- Neutron Chesnokov
- Newfie Pendragon
- Nicholai Laviscu
- Nicholaz Beresford
- Nick Rhodes
- Nicky Perian
- Nicoladie Gymnast
- Nounouch Hapmouche
- Ollie Kubrick
- Orenj Marat
- Orion Delphis
- Oryx Tempel
- Parvati Silverweb
- Patric Mills
- Paul Churchill
- Paula Innis
- Peekay Semyorka
- Peter Lameth
- PeterPunk Mooney
- Pf Shan
- Pixel Gausman
- Pixel Scientist
- Polo Gufler
- Pounce Teazle
- princess niven
- Professor Noarlunga
- Psi Merlin
- Quantum Destiny
- Questar Utu
- Quicksilver Hermes
- Radio Signals
- Ralf Setsuko
- RAT Quan
- RedMokum Bravin
- Renault Clio
- resu Ampan
- Revolution Perenti
- Rezit Sideways
- Rich Grainger
- Ringo Tuxing
- Riva
- Robin Cornelius
- Rosco Teardrop
- Rose Evans
- Rudee Voom
- RufusTT Horsefly
- Ryozu Kojima
- Sachi Vixen
- Sahkolihaa Contepomi
- Saii Hallard
- SaintLEOlions Zimer
- Salahzar Stenvaag
- Samm Larkham
- Sammy Frederix
- Sasy Scarborough
- Satanello Miami
- Satomi Ahn
- Scrim Pinion
- Scrippy Scofield
- Seg Baphomet
- Sergen Davies
- SexySteven Morrisey
- Shawn Kaufmat
- Sheet Spotter
- Shnurui Troughton
- Siana Gearz
- sicarius Thorne
- Sicarius Toxx
- SignpostMarv Martin
- Simon Nolan
- Sini Nubalo
- Sitearm Madonna
- SLB Wirefly
- Slee Mayo
- snowy Sidran
- Soupa Segura
- SpacedOut Frye
- Sporked Friis
- Squirrel Wood
- ST Mensing
- Starshine Halasy
- Stevex Janus
- Stickman Ingmann
- Still Defiant
- Strife Onizuka
- Sudane Erato
- Synystyr Texan
- Takeda Terrawyng
- Talamasca
- Tali Rosca
- TankMaster Finesmith
- Tayra Dagostino
- TBBle Kurosawa
- Teardrops Fall
- Techwolf Lupindo
- Templar Merlin
- tenebrous pau
- Tezcatlipoca Bisiani
- Tharax Ferraris
- Thickbrick Sleaford
- Thraxis Epsilon
- tiamat bingyi
- Tiel Stonecutter
- Tofu Buzzard
- Tony Kembia
- Torben Trautman
- TouchaHoney Perhaps
- TraductoresAnonimos Alter
- Trey Reanimator
- TriloByte Zanzibar
- Trinity Dechou
- Trinity Dejavu
- Tue Torok
- Twisted Laws
- Unlikely Quintessa
- UsikuFarasi Kanarik
- Vaalith Jinn
- Vadim Bigbear
- Vector Hastings
- Veritas Raymaker
- Vex Streeter
- Viaticus Speculaas
- Vick Forcella
- Villain Baroque
- Vixen Heron
- Vixie Durant
- Void Singer
- Watty Berkson
- Westley Schridde
- Westley Streeter
- Whimsy Winx
- Whoops Babii
- Wilton Lundquist
- Winter Ventura
- WolfPup Lowenhar
- Wundur Primbee
- Xellessanova Zenith
- Xiki Luik
- xstorm Radek
- YongYong Francois
- Zai Lynch
- Zak Westminster
- Zana Kohime
- Zaren Alexander
- Zarkonnen Decosta
- Zeja Pyle
- ZenMondo Wormser
- Zi Ree
- Zipherius Turas
- Zoex Flanagan
Translations By:
- Aralara Rajal
- Aura Dirval
- Catwise Yoshikawa
- Cayu Cluny
- Eva Rau
- Flemming Congrejo
- FreeSL Aeon
- Frontera Thor
- gefeit Dufaux
- Identity Euler
- Inma Rau
- Irene Muni
- Lunita Savira
- Minerva Memel
- Polo Gufler
- Shinya Tandino
- Torben Trautman
- Valerie Linden
- Xiki Luik
- Zaza Linden
A while back, I mused over how few single-name avatars are on that list, even now, almost two years after last names were dropped.
( )
They *are* there, so the list *has* been updated since, but apparently, they have not pinged in on the radar for whatever criteria gets you on that list.
That’s a really good point about the single names, that didn’t even cross my mind, nice post on google + too. I wonder if the radar has been changed over the years.
Definitely brings back memories seeing all those Lindens and residents long gone or that I just haven’t seen in a long time, although with some of the Lindens not seeing them may be a good thing (more than a few have wanted me banned at various points).
How does it feel to quite literally be on their list?
If I had a clue about how one gets on the list, it might be a bit more rewarding … or it might be a bit embarrassing, so probably best not to know!
Yes some real blasts from the past in there, I thought you’d be on there to be honest, you used to make plenty of contributions in the Jira, I know you had your disputes there too, but still.
I think I was for a awhile but whether they cut my contributions or just trimmed the list (maybe the people on the list now all signed the uploader agreement) I haven’t been on it for a long time. I doubt I was cut specifically though, they probably just trimmed the list.
I think you’re probably correct about the list changing, I’m sure names used to be on there that aren’t now, if we’re still all around in a year I may compare the lists just to see how it progresses … actually that sounds a bit painful.
I am pretty sure there is a slow roll through the list, though some (like the Lindens) may be honorary members.
I know for a fact that it doesn’t require a signed agreement or code contribution. My name there must have come from the jira, wiki or beta grid.
Aww. I used to be on the list too. Beta testing.
You’re still on it Mari.