Linden Lab Announce They Are Inviting Selected People To Test Project Sansar

Project Sansar Concept Art

Linden Lab have published a press release regarding Project Sansar; Linden Lab Invites First Virtual Experience Creators to Project Sansar Testing. I’m not going to publish the press release in full, but I will quote parts of it, starting with :

SAN FRANCISCO – August 18, 2015 – Linden Lab®, the creators of Second Life®, today announced that a small number of creators have been exclusively invited to be the first to help test its new platform for virtual experiences, codenamed Project Sansar.

Slated for general availability in 2016, Project Sansar will democratize virtual reality as a creative medium. It will empower people to easily create, share, and monetize their own multi-user, interactive virtual experiences, without requiring engineering resources. The platform will enable professional-level quality and performance with exceptional visual fidelity, 3D audio, and physics simulation. Experiences created with Project Sansar will be optimized for VR headsets like the Oculus Rift, but also accessible via PCs and (at consumer launch) mobile devices. Users can explore and socialize within Project Sansar experiences through advanced expressive avatars, using text and voice chat.

This isn’t surprising news. Linden Lab have stated for some time that a small number of hand picked creators would be invited to test Project Sansar. The early users are expected to be people who can create architecture and have access to Autodesk Maya, as that’s the software Linden Lab seem to have been using inhouse.

The use of Maya as a tool in Project Sansar was discussed by Ebbe Altberg recently in a video interview with UploadVR :

UploadVR: What does that workflow look like for Sansar?

Ebbe Altberg: For starters, it will be quite technical, you will register, you will log-in, you’ll install this application which includes some add-ons for Maya, and you’ll use Maya to create the content. You’ll create a full scene, very large scenes, and you just publish that and we host that on our servers, and then that experience you can send links out to, and people follow the links and walk into that experience.

UploadVR: Just like that, straight from Maya?

Ebbe Altberg: Straight from Maya, push a button, and then you have a virtual environment that you can share.

People should not get too concerned about this. Project Sansar is in the very early Alpha stage, things can and probably will, change quite dramatically before it’s in beta, or even open Alpha if they have one. At the moment Linden Lab are going with what they know works, which at this stage is Maya.

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Visit Forgotten City In Second Life Before The Clocks Stop

Forgotten City

Mandy Marseille, owner of clockpunkish region Forgotten City, has posted the sad news over at SLUniverse that Forgotten City is going offline Sept. 2015. The reasons for the closure are outlined in the post. There’s also some interesting history in Mandy’s post regarding the region and how they tried to make this city thrive.

Toy Soldiers?

Forgotten City, for those who have never been there is described as :

A once great city where the prosperous residents were served by the miraculous mechanical automatons. The people have long since disappeared, but the automatons remained and still take care of the crumbling stone walls, abandoned halls and rusty fences.

The automations generally did not quite come to life, but they still look great and the region is wonderfully atmospheric.

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Remembrance & Celebration Gathering for Lumiere Noir Will Be Held On Sunday 16th of August

Avi Arrow & Prokofy Neva

Avi Arrow of The Ivory Tower Library of Primitives has announced that there will be a remembrance and celebration gathering for Lumiere Noir on Sunday August 16th at 1:00pm SLT :

A *Remembrance & Celebration* gathering for Lumiere Noir will be held at 1:00pm (13:00) SLT on Sunday 16th of August at the Ivory Tower Library of Primitives (G-rated) . Bring fondest of memories and dancing shoes.

Xiola Linden yesterday blogged : Second Life Community Remembers Lumiere Noir – Creator of the Ivory Tower Library of Primitives.

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High Fidelity Announce Stem VR Challenge Recipients

Back in July High Fidelity lanuched its Stem VR Challenge. The challenge was :

High Fidelity will be awarding up to three $5,000 grants to teams or individuals who, using the High Fidelity platform, can create a unit that is:

  • HMD (e.g. Oculus™) featured
  • High school age appropriate
  • STEM focused
  • Social (can be experienced by >3 people together)

In addition to the dollar amount awarded, grantees will have access to technical support directly from High Fidelity and the option to have their content hosted.

Yesterday High Fidelity announced who the recipients would be, they have chosen two projects to receive the grants. They are T.C.a.R.S: Teaching Coding – a Racing Simulation and FTL Labs PlanetDrop-VR. Both projects look very interesting.

TCars is a combination of code and fun and is described as :

An awesome racing game where you get to interact with JavaScript to customize your car’s handling, create unique power ups and optimize performance through editing the programme code with the use of the Blockly API.

The idea behind TCaRS is explained as one that wants people to learn coding by having fun :

The idea for TCaRS is based on the thought that learning coding can be boring but playing games is fun: “I want to learn to code… but….the road from typing, ‘print my name’ to making ‘Grand Theft Auto’ seems huge and demotivating”

Schools around the world have been using tools like the Raspberry Pi to teach kids coding and it’s an essential part of most High School curriculums these days, but the output from tools like this is often pretty basic-looking.

With High Fidelity, we have the chance to change this by creating the first gaming platform where users get to see and interact directly with elements of the code in order to gain
advantage – so the more you learn, the better you do. And with the benefit of VR to create a genuinely immersive experience.

The people behind TCaRS are High Fidelity Alpha users Thijs Wenker (Thoys in High Fidelity) Programmer / Web Developer (JavaScript, PHP, C#, C++) and Dan Grundy (Judas in High Fidelity) Lecturer in 3D modelling using Blender. There’s a lot more detail in the link.

Continue reading “High Fidelity Announce Stem VR Challenge Recipients”

H.P. Lovecraft Festival 2015 In Second Life Is Open

Arik Metzger and Riven

The 2015 H.P. Lovecraft Festival in Second Life is now open and early visitors were treated to a visit at the landing point by Arik Metzger, who founded the H.P. Lovecraft roleplay group back in 2012.

LoveFest 2015

A map of the region can be found on Flickr, that gives you information about vendors and other locations such as the cabaret, warehouse, Asylum, Egyptian exhibit and the carnival.

Events and More

Like many events in Second Life, the H.P. Lovecraft Festival has entertainment with the entertainment opening at 8pm SLT today (I think!) with a vintage style mix of dark cabaret and electro-swing by DJ Fitch Lekvoda! I say I think because Google Calendar does odd things with time.

Continue reading “H.P. Lovecraft Festival 2015 In Second Life Is Open”


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