Nalates Urriah has an extremely interesting update from the Mesh user group meeting in which changes to prim equivalence on mesh and changes to Avatar Rendering Cost (ARC) are discussed. There’s also information about a funky new build panel with confusing looking information in it as part of the details of Object Rendering Cost, or ORC …. I’m not making this up!

There’s a picture on Nalates blog of the new build panel, which you can view here. I’m rather amused to see there’s a “What is all this?” link on that image because a hell of a lot of people are going to be wondering what the bloody hell it all is!

Basically this is all about trying to make things easier to understand, prim equivalence is confusing, Gwynneth Llewellyn recently blogged about how confusing it is and how unfair it seems, you can read that here. The comments are worth reading on that blog post too as people try and get their heads around everything.

Continue reading “ORC Slays ARC”

SL Using Google Adsense? SL Profiles Go Wild!

This is the Saturday night update, which means I’m killing time before Match of The Day starts and I want to see how the hell the mighty Villa stole a 2-2 draw with Everton. Villa v Everton is the most played top flight football fixture in the history of English football, showing the greatness of both clubs … well we can both believe we’re still great! Anyway Second Life and Linden Lab, they have gone completely busy with work at the Lab and tonight I noticed on this here site an advert in the Google Adsense section for ….. Second Life! This isn’t to be confused with the static adverts I have here for Second Life, this one was in my adsense part and made a change from seeing Habbo or IMVU there. Pics or it didn’t happen hey, well here you go:

SL advertise on Google Adsense

About bloody time I say! I almost did a jig of delight when I saw it. Then we have the issue of Linden Lab going social profile crazy with updates galore, so many I’m almost speechless, although before the guys at Linden Lab start chmapgne corks, I was only almost speechless!

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Twitter Emphasise They Are Nym Friendly

Twitter CEO Dick Costollo has firmly planted his feet in the nym friendly camp according to a post at Wired’s Epicenter, which you can read here. Mr Costollo is quoted as saying:

Other services may be declaring that you have to use your real name because they think they will be able to monetize that better and think they will be able to get more information about you that will help them monetize better.

We are more interested in serving our users first, and we think by serving that by serving our users first, we will have a better platform for marketers and advertisers.

Hooray for that but not only is Mr Costollo absolutely right in his thinking, he shows Google + how wrong they are with their real name policy because in terms of advertisers, whom people follow and what their interests are, will likely produce better targetted marketing than what their name is and Google should know this because so much of their advertising service is based not on your real name, but what you’re looking for or at.

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Fashion Feed feed.me growing in popularity

I am only affiliated with SL  Universe by participating in their forum and sending the odd snapshot to Snapzilla. Snapzilla has been around for a while and allows you to send pictures from within Second Life to their site, there are also features for sending them onto flickr too. Anyway I’m mentioning this because I’ll be talking about another SL Universe related service.

A while back someone called Tao Takashi had a website that ran blog feeds related to Second Life, it was a bloody useful resource as you’d just go to the feed and see blogs about Second Life, many of which I wasn’t familiar with or hadn’t bookmarked. This was also a much easier way of followng multiple blogs as they were all in one place, you’d end up at the actual blog if you wanted to read everything or comment but as a snapshot it was wonderful.

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Avatar Appearance And Perceptions

Hamlet Au over at New World Notes has a blog post regarding a competition to design an avatar of Albert Einstein, the winning avatar will be used in Second Life to promote fundraising for the Institute of medical research Israel-Canada. Now if you’re interested in entering an avatar you need to get your skates on because the closing date for entries is 11:59pm eastern time on September 9th. There are three prizes available, USD$1,500 for first prize isn’t a bad offering at all. The full rules of the competition can be found here.

The competiton is for a good cause and has an element of fun but it’s the choice of such an iconic image as Einstein that interests me because earlier I was reading an article at Mediashift regarding how avatars appear having an impact on your own actions, the article cites a book by Professor Jeremy Bailenson and Jim Blascovich entitled Infinite Reality: Avatars, Eternal Life, New Worlds, and the Dawn of the Virtual Revolution .. which is quite a mouthful, the article can be read here but includes claims that taller avatars can out negotiate smaller avatars and taller avatars give people more confidence for thirty minutes after they log off in real life.

Continue reading “Avatar Appearance And Perceptions”


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