Murder Most Foul In Olde London Town

Danger In Darkened Second Life

I decided to return to the land of Britannia, after hearing that winter festivities were taking place. I have been to this strange land before. However my previous visit did not prepare me for what I would find on this visit. There I was wandering around the streets of Britannia, looking for ice skating, when I found myself in a darkened alley. However this was no ordinary darkened alley, this was a darkened alley where I discovered a covered body which had clearly been the victim of murder most foul!

Scrooge & Marley Shop

There was no sign of the authorities so I decided that it was my duty as Detective Dwarfin, to investigate what had happened. I found myself outside a debt collection agency of Scrooge & Marley. Peering through the window I could see a respectable looking gentleman busily working away and so I decided to venture inside to see if I could discover any clues regarding the foul deed.


Unfortunately the gentleman was not quite so respectable in his manner once I entered. “Bah Humbug” he screeched at me, ushering me out of the building and warning me not to meddle in affairs I had no business meddling in.

Prime Suspects

Returning to the alley I peered into the distance and spotted some suspicious looking characters. The leader of the gang appeared to be a lady, who was holding court outside, of all things, a blue Police box. I recalled that on my previous visit that it was not unusual to see blue Police boxes appearing and disappearing in this region.

Kat Kassner

Kat Kassner“, was the name of the lady. A femme  fatale if ever I saw one. Her gentleman friends were certainly paying her a lot of attention, however upon my approach they started to talk in whispers.

Detective Dwarfin

I tried to blend into the background and listened intently to their conversation, alas I was unable to uncover any clues regarding the body in the alley on this visit, all I could hear was a discussion about a mysterious event, “Winterfest 2014“, they called it. I decided it at this point it was time to retire and look for lodging, which took me to a rather odd looking building.

The Christmas Time-Trapped House

Set in the heart of London Ambiguity, the Time-Trapped House is a three floor building where each floor is a moment from a different era of history, set at Christmas time. From Victorian London, World War II and even the far future, the Time-Trapped House represents a little bit of London and Christmas combined! Locate the freebies hidden in the house and explore the wintery town outside.

Visit in Second Life

SLURL To Britannia :

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