Snapzilla Turning 9 And Considering A Makeover

On the 25th February 2005 (my research tells me) Cristiano Midnight and someone called Reuben, I believe, launched a photo sharing feature called Snapzilla on Second Life users. This was a very innovative feature, so much so that it got a mention on Boing Boing.

Now if you’re new, you may wonder what exactly Snapzilla is, so I’ll quote the site:

Snapzilla is a photo sharing site built specifically for Second Life, and is part of the site. SL residents are easily able to share images with the site simply by clicking Snapshot and then using the Email Postcard option directly from SL. No need to save to disk and then upload to the site. 

You do not have to be a registered Snapzilla member to submit snapshots – any SL resident can send an image, and it is completely free. Benefits of registration include the ability to edit the title, description, and tags of your images, create albums and favorite photo lists, leave comments, and more. New features are being added constantly to the site.

There’s more information in the link, including the email address you send pictures to. I’m really reluctant to include email addresses in blog posts. A big point to note here for those unfamiliar with Snapzilla is that you can send snapshots directly from inside Second Life to Snapzilla, it’s a really useful feature.

However as Snapzilla approaches its ninth birthday, Cristiano is considering making changes and he has a thread on SLUniverse asking for feedback. However, please go gently, Cristiano informs me that the redesign is heavily under construction, so it’s far from the finished article.

Continue reading “Snapzilla Turning 9 And Considering A Makeover”

SL Using Google Adsense? SL Profiles Go Wild!

This is the Saturday night update, which means I’m killing time before Match of The Day starts and I want to see how the hell the mighty Villa stole a 2-2 draw with Everton. Villa v Everton is the most played top flight football fixture in the history of English football, showing the greatness of both clubs … well we can both believe we’re still great! Anyway Second Life and Linden Lab, they have gone completely busy with work at the Lab and tonight I noticed on this here site an advert in the Google Adsense section for ….. Second Life! This isn’t to be confused with the static adverts I have here for Second Life, this one was in my adsense part and made a change from seeing Habbo or IMVU there. Pics or it didn’t happen hey, well here you go:

SL advertise on Google Adsense

About bloody time I say! I almost did a jig of delight when I saw it. Then we have the issue of Linden Lab going social profile crazy with updates galore, so many I’m almost speechless, although before the guys at Linden Lab start chmapgne corks, I was only almost speechless!

Continue reading “SL Using Google Adsense? SL Profiles Go Wild!”


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