Slink – A Refreshing Shopping Location

I’m not a fashionista, I’ll never be a fashionista, so I’m not going to post about fashion. I don’t generally post about shopping either. However this evening I happened to find myself at Slink. Now Slink are famous for their mesh hands and feet. I’ve never shook a mesh hand or kissed a mesh foot, I’m way behind the times with things like this and I’d be doing Siddean Munro a great disservice if I tried to talk about Slink’s products.

However what I can talk about is the design of the sims, which totally took me by surprise because they’re both pleasing on the eye and the graphics card.

Slink West

Shopping experiences are often not much fun due to the fact that they can be busy and people pack a lot into small spaces. Not so with Slink which makes good use of the space as well as making good use of not making all textures and buildings in your line of sight. Whether this is on purpose or not I don’t know, but it definitely works well. Some buildings are down alleys, others are in a nice open square but the fact that some textures are out of line of sight is a good design technique.

Slink Mainstore


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