Exploring The Dwarven Mines of Marathon Caye

Dwarven Mines At Marathon Caye

The Dwarven Mines Of Marathon Caye are the stuff of legend in Dwarven folklore. Rumour has it there’s gold in the mines, along with ale, great feasts and more importantly, feisty Dwarven ladies. However you know what legends are like, they don’t really exist.

However I was out with a witch by the name of Strawberry Singh, who told me that the mines really do exist and after getting fed up of me trying to get her to go dancing, she teleported to me to the mines! My first idea was to ride the train throughout the whole mine, do the tourist thing, you know how it goes, however halfway around I noticed a sign for The Dire Weasel Tavern and promptly ditched my ride.

Dire Weasel Tavern

The rumours you see, are true, there’s gold in that mine and plenty of it. However I wasn’t sure whether others in the vicinity were merely enjoying the tavern or whether the gold was for use by everyone. Chancing my arm I dipped into the gold, entered the tavern and engaged in an ale, or two, or three. The Dwarven ladies seemed a bit the worse for wear and I should warn you, you don’t want to try and chat up a Dwarven female after a few ales, they can be rather vicious. Instead I engaged in some polite conversation with the male Dwarves, who were still very much in Halloween party mood.



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Fantasy Faire 2014 – Dwarfins And Dragons

This is all the fault of a Dwarfin named Grum and his meddling. Grum you see was meddling around and unearthed an object around the size of two Dwarfin fists. Grum believed this to be a gem of some worth and bundled the object in his knapsack to show off to his Dwarfin buddies.

However it turns out that in Grum’s grasp was not a gem of great value, it was something far more sinister, with his hand around the gem Grum drifted off to sleep, his hand resting on a rock, a rock that was being heated by a camp fire. At this stage you might think that this would not end well, you would be right.

Grum awoke to discover his hand was empty, hunting around he found what appeared to be an egg shell, what on earth had happened here? An egg shell, an open egg shell to boot. Something had hatched, Eventually Grum discovered a lizard like creature … with wings. Eventually it dawned on Grum that a Dragon had been born. Later the High Council of Dwarfins, after much consideration, decided that Dwarfins would become Dragon Riders and trainers as the dragons didn’t seem too wild.

Dragon Eggs

The full story of Grum’s discovery can be read in chapter 5 of The Dwarfins story. The result for Fantasy Faire is that dragons are now inhabiting The Dwarfins cave! A host of new releases related to the dragons have been released including ride-able dragons, Dragon Rider limited edition Dwarfins and Shoulder pets.

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Dwarfins Continued Evolvement Is Good For Second Life

Dwarfins Bar Brawl


The Dwarfins team have been busy evolving the Dwarfin experience, back in October they announced the release of achivements to compliment the breedable experience. More achievements were announced shortly after with more in the pipeline.

Achievements add a new dimension to the Dwarfin experience, rather than just concentrating on traits you can now pick up bonuses along the way. Most of the achievements are birth related, for example if you manage to birth a Dwarfin with 7 miner traits, you wll earn the 7T miner achievement. This gives a lease of life to miner traits. However there are a couple of traits that aren’t birth related, for example if you mine up 8 special items then you earn the Dirt Master award …..

Getting Merry


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Dwarfins – New Avatars, Affiliates, Developer API and Auction Listings

Dwarfins Stalls

The Dwarfins team have been busy lately, six new avatars were released this week. The new avatars for your roleplaying fun are:

  • Butcher
  • Hunter
  • Barbarian
  • Jester
  • King and Queen
  • Royal Guards

This explains why when I was in the Dwarfins store a few days ago, Dante Spectre kept changing outfits before my eyes, I thought it was the ale! Do not try and outdrink Dante, I still have a sore head. I think he brews the ale himself, he sure puts them away!

Dante Spectre Jester

However other developments have happened. the first of which I’ll discuss is their Affiliate program. The program offers you 10% of sales and there are a variety of options for your vendor packages, if you are accepted. This is not a free affiliate program, there is a choice of five different vendors, each of which costs L$3,000 or you can get the whole kit and caboodle for L$13,500.

The vendors cover different aspects of all things Dwarfin, Fishing, Gardening, Roleplay (Mesh Avatars), interactives for your breedable Dwarfins and of course, the breedable Dwarfins themself. Then you will have to allow DwarfinsJudy to setup the displays. DwarfinsJudy is a very mysterious character, nobody knows the true identity, my money is on it being Thorrak Rockbeard, although the smart money is on it being Judy Chestnut …. hmmm, maybe I haven’t thought this through properly!

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Dwarfins Go Gardening

Jester Gardening

Another development whilst I was on my travels, was the introduction of gardening for Dwarfins. This is more than just an interactive item for your Dwarfins, although Dwarfins will interact with your garden, it’s a way of growing your own food too and can work out cheaper than buying ham and anyway, who wants their Dwarfins eating ham all the time, that’s not a balanced diet at all!

In order to engage with gardening you will need to buy some items from the Dwarfins store, you will need at minimum:

  • Garden Plot: Required to plant seeds.
  • Seeds: A variety of seeds are available to plant and grow.
  • Water Bucket: You can pick up a free bucket of water once every 3 days. One bucket of water is enough to water a 6 plot garden.

There are a couple of other items you can buy to aid your gardening, these include:

  • Interactive Neverending Well: A rustic well that your Dwarfins will interact with, as well as providing an endless supply of water for your gardens.
  • Instagrow: An Elixir that can be used on your plants so that they mature instantly.

Now there are a few things to note, plants will take three days to grow, that is as long as the garden has enough water, if a garden doesn’t have enough water a plant will wither, although this can be rectified it will slow your gardening down. Once a plant is fully grown you have a choice of harvesting it for food, or sending it to your online pantry, where you’ll be able to create recipes.

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