Xiola Linden Invites People To Suggest A Location For The Next Inworld Meetup

Xiola Linden

Xiola Linden, Superstar, has posted on the official Second Life blog : Help Decide the Next Inworld Meetup Destination. These are meetups between The Lindens and residents and they are a lot of fun. Xiola states in the post :

It’s just about inworld meetup time, and since we’re in the habit of sharing some of our favorite spots from the Destination Guide, this weekend, we wanted to flip the script and find out from you what spot you think is one of the best to visit for our next inworld meetup.

I’ve been to a couple of meetups with The Lindens and they have both been at Meauxle Bureaux, home of the Second Life Moles.

Michael Linden Is Here!

However it seems as if The Lindens want to set sail to some new destinations, as Xiola explains in the blog post :

Share your recommendations in this forum thread – links to Destination Guide entry or SLURLS are best – and we’ll pick one to have our next inworld meetup.

The next meetup is planned for Thursday, May 14th at 1 PM SLT, so get your recommendations in soon!

As always, if you have a region or location that you would like to show off – be sure to share it, and we always love to see pics of your adventures on the Official Second Life Flickr page.

Whereas Xiola does not mention it in her post, I would imagine they are looking for a general rated location in order to be all inclusive. Although that’s just my thoughts, I could be wrong, it has happened before, April 12th 1984 to be precise.

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Looking For Horse’s Heads In People’s Beds At Gravesend Bay In Second Life

Gravesend Bay Welcome Area

Risking life and limb I decided it was time to follow Sir Trevor McDonald and dip my toes into the murky underworld of crime. However unlike Sir Trevor, my visit was to a virtual crime location, namely Gravesend Bay in Second Life.

This is underworld roleplay Second Life style and as in many roleplaying sims in Second Life, a lot of work has gone into the storyline. In this case it revolves around two main families, The Gianni’s and The Morella’s.

An image should be here
Gravesend Bay Map

The Gianni’s have been involved in an internal power struggle which tore the family apart and allowed their enemies to take advantage. The current storyline leaves The Gianni’s in this situation :

Left with a dilapidated neighborhood, the Gianni Family feels the pressure for the Morella’s to the south and is at the point where they’re willing to do whatever it takes to not only keep what they have but to reclaim what the considered theirs.

However when it comes to The Morella’s, there’s a slightly different story.


The Morella’s watched The Gianni’s tear themselves apart and took their chances. Now the head of The Morella family finds himself in this situation :

The Morella’s gain power, prestige and wealth quickly and continue to use their political connections to push the Gianni’s further north. If they prevail, they plan on finally gaining control of the region and wiping the Gianni’s off the map.

Beyond that there are factions. The Drifters and Ava’s Angels.

Petrol Station

The Drifters are described as :

The Drifters are the group of misfits, meaning doesn’t fit in to a family. This group is mostly composed of bikers, drug dealers, addicts, and homeless people. The drifter are lead by nether family, they answer to a faceless figure. He’s known to most simply as the Kingpin.

Ava’s Angels on the other hand are ladies of the night who are still controlled by The Gianni family. This is an adult region, so adult activities can be expected but it’s not a region that encourages adult activities in plain sight.

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Enjoy Royal Flavoured Corona In Second Life

Corona Palace

When I noticed that Linden Lab’s latest blog post about The Destination Guide featured a place fit for royalty, I knew I would have to visit, being a Dwarfin King and all that. I wasn’t disappointed, Corona is definitely fit for a king.

Corona Royal Guard

First of all though, make sure you sneak past the Royal Guard, they look a tad menacing. However if you successfully jump that hurdle then you will find yourself in an opulent 18th century royal setting that contains gorgeous buildings, beautiful sculptures, wildlife and more.

Corona Garden

The gardens provide serene spots for you to gather your thoughts and plot virtual world domination for The Dwarfins …. or umm whatever takes your fancy. The Dwarfin plot is top secret so pretend you didn’t read that part!

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A Visit To Wizardhat Studios


The photogenic spots of the Destination Guide led me to Wizardhat Studios. Aha I thought, a place for Wizards to perform wizardry. That wasn’t quite what I found. However I did find a magical landscape of stray clouds, wild animals and a walking tree…. I’m not making this up!


The sim is a mixture of beautiful woodlands in which avatars roam in animal garb and a coastline with crashing waves.

Scenic Views

Scattered around the sim lie buildings, which do look like they’d make a good home for wizards.

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A Visit To K’Taclysme Town, A French Speaking Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland In Second Life


I decided it was time to go International with my Second Life explorations, so I headed to the International section of The Destination Guide. I looked around at a few interesting looking links and decided to brave a visit to a scary looking location known as K’Taclysme Town. Now first things first, this is a sim created by French speakers and the notecards are in French. Therefore you may struggle with the roleplay if you’re not a French speaker. However don’t let that put you off from visiting.

One of the beauties of a virtual world in circumstances such as this is that the landscape is painted for you, therefore you can get a bloody good idea of what’s going on. Another beauty of a virtual world is that if you’re familiar with the mechanisms, you can work some things out for yourself. For example I figured out how to get hold of a visitors tag by touching the prim that contains said visitor tag.

I could also figure out how to get hold of some of the rules and background to the sim, again by touching the correct prim.

Outside a Post-Apocalyptic Bar

Obviously, if you’re not a French speaker then you may well have difficulty understanding the instructions, but there are tricks of the trade to guide you, such as using Google Translate to give you a nudge in the right direction. However even before doing that it wasn’t hard to work out that something bad had happened to this town. Armed military figures, strange gases on the streets, crashed vehicles, collapsed roads, floating spores and blood on the street give you the distinct impression that it didn’t end well here.

Continue reading “A Visit To K’Taclysme Town, A French Speaking Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland In Second Life”


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