Fantasy Faire 2014 – The Press Release

Image For Fantasy Faire 2014
Fantasy Faire 2014

I am miles behind with my coverage of Fantasy Faire 2014, Sonya Murmarek and the team are way ahead of me! For those who are not familiar with Fantasy Faire in Second Life, I advise you to take your time to make yourself familiar with it. On a scale of 1 – 10, with 1 being pretty damn rubbish and 10 being awesome, Fantasy Faire rates as an 11! My favourite Second Life event by a country mile.

So in the next few posts I’ll start catching up with the news so far, hopefully I’m not out of date with the news, from what I can see there are still openings for merchants who want to participate.

The best place to start is with the official press release, which I’ll post below the cut.

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Fantasy Faire 2014 Scheduled For May 1st – May 11th

Sonya Marmurek

Sonya Murmarek announced on February 17th that this year’s Fantasy Faire is scheduled to take place May 1st – May 11th. However due to the success of Fantasy Faire, there are not yet any open applications for merchants to display their wares, as Sonya explains:

There are currently no applications for merchants. The Faire is old and established and there are plenty of creators who are as much an integral part of it as the Fairelands themselves and we will first scribe in those registrations.

The first invitations to the merchants will be sent out by the end of February.

The open applications for merchants will begin some time after March 15th.

Obviously it will be disappointing if no new merchants get a look in, but it seems as if they will. I’ve blogged Fantasy Faire for the last three years, it’s a magnificent event, truly magnificent. During that time I’ve met the weird and wonderful creations and characters in the Second Life fantasy scene. I’ve met baking gnomes:

Baking Gnome


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2013 Reviewed

The challenge with a review of the year is to try and make it worth reading. There’s a balance between including information and including too much information. This year’s review is largely based on Second Life and my own posts, so there’s plenty of information that I will be missing. For those who want a more in depth review, Inara Pey has been reviewing 2013 too.

For me personally it was a difficult year, Reed, Dee, Izzy and TJ Linden all gave me wonderful support, even when I myself was more than a tad grouchy with them but I do appreciate the efforts they made to accommodate me.

This post is not as long as it looks, if you skip the pictures, links and embedded videos it won’t take as long to read as you may think at first glance. I did consider breaking this down in to different posts, as I did last year. However at the end of the day it is what it is, so it looks like it’s epic in length but it’s really not. However to aid people I’ve decided to go back to HTML school and create a table of contents! Hurrah.


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Outside Companies Should Create Their Own Second Life Faires

Fantasy Faire is over for this year, but what this year’s event has left me wondering is why aren’t there more faires and why aren’t there more faires with outsiders involved? Now by outsiders I’m talking about people who don’t see Second Life as being their natural place, such as people who don’t really use Second Life but could use it for promotional purposes.

Now let’s just pause for a moment here, Linden Lab have brought advertising to their website and a lot of this advertising is from people who don’t see Second Life as their natural place, there are adverts from all sorts of different companies there. Why not harness that advertising potential and point advertisers in the direction of the Fantasy Faire website and say, hey, here’s what you can do in Second Life to make feature rich advertising.

Now there are a few reasons why this sort of thing generally doesn’t happen. The first is that Second Life is a rather small subset of potential consumers for any organisation to be concerned with, I mean there are plenty of us here but there are not eye popping amounts. Another reason is that Second Life users get a bit uppity at times about outsiders advertising on Second Life properties, some of the feedback about the website adverts demonstrates that. Another reason is that advertisers don’t want to be associated with dodgy content.

Some of these factors can be overcome, but let’s just imagine what could be done with a Fantasy Faire for fantasy authors and MMO companies. This could bring new users to Second Life, a short faire on this scale would mean people weren’t tied to tier in Second Life to display their wares, but they could get some damn good promotional material out of a short term event. The game companies should have no problem making avatars for Second Life, whereas the authors could work with, Linden Lab or even, shock horror, Second Life residents to help them build displays to promote their books.

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Fantasy Faire 2013 – Wrapping It Up

Fantasy Faire is always a treat for everyone involved, but this year has been especially great. The artistry and pageantry has been mind blowing to behold, the people have been a joy and fun to be around, and the events have been great.

The Dwarfins team has been blown away by the generosity of the Dwarfins community members who have gone above & beyond in their donations to the cause of fighting cancer. We’ve been overjoyed to welcome many new members that the Faire brought to us, and have reveled in the community spirit brought to us by this great cause.” – Judy Chestnut Of Dwarfins.

All good things come to an end and I’ll pretty much wrap up my Fantasy Faire coverage with this post, although you should never say never as there may well be more news to post, but I’ll mostly wrap it up here. I apologise to those of you who read my blog and have no interest in this event, but I love this event, it’s an event that exemplifies oh so well some of the excellent use cases of Second Life and that most certainly should be highlighted.

One complaint regarding events like this, and that applies to the other fairs that take place during the year, is lag. Fantasy Faire this year wasn’t that bad, but there were some who experienced problems. The thing is, this is Fantasy Faire, if you take away the beautiful buildings, the weird and wonderful avatars and their scripted accessories, you take away some of the heart of the event.

Lumenaria Street

Although Fantasy Faire 2013 is officially over, there are still a couple of Fantasy Faire related events to run. There’s a short story competition in association with Prim Perfect: Weave a tale of fantastic landscapes for the Fantasy Faire / Prim Perfect Short Story Competition. Your story should be between one and three thousand words and the best entries will be published in the summer edition of Prim Perfect Magazine. One of the good things about blogging Fantasy Faire is that I’ve now discovered the excellent Calameo system Prim Perfect use for their magazine, that’s a really impressive platform.

Continue reading “Fantasy Faire 2013 – Wrapping It Up”


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