Lab Chat Launches In Second Life With A Smooth First Show

Lab Chat Studio

Lab Chat, a new Q&A show in Second Life, launched today in Second Life with Saffia Widdershins and Jo Yardley discussing many things Second Life and Project Sansar related with Linden Lab CEO Ebbe Altberg.

The show itself went quite smoothly, which was quite impressive with a four region setup that attracted over 150 people. The show launched on time, without any technical issues, although one problem that was apparent was that people who had submitted questions were unable to make the live show. The questions had been selected from a pool of 46 questions submitted via the official Second Life forum.



Keira Linden

Ebbe talked about land, commerce, marketplace, experiences and much more. Experiences was a very interesting subject as Ebbe pointed out that in Second Life, people struggle to make experiences pay their way. This is something that people who have created roleplaying ventures or interactive game experiences will be quite familiar with. Project Sansar definitely has experiences on its radar.

Strawberry Singh

In terms of Second Life and land, Ebbe said that Linden Lab were continuing to look at options for land, but there were some economic realities for Linden Lab that had to be taken into account when it comes to Linden Lab making changes. Therefore, slashing tier remains an option that is not really viable, Ebbe didn’t say that, but reading between the lines, that’s the reality at the moment.

Caitlin Tobias

There were quite a few Lindens in attendance, some lurking backstage where they were also joined by some of the Lab Chat production team, bloggers and of course residents who found backstage a less taxing location for their graphics stage than the main theatre. I did crash a couple of times, but that was largely due to me ramping up my graphics to try and get snapshots. I should also add that some of the people I was trying to take snapshots of also crashed as they disappeared from view at precisely the wrong moment! Draxtor Despres, Marianne McCann and Xiola Linden, I’m looking at you here!

Lab Chat

However plenty of people did sit down in the seats provided and Ebbe talked for well over an hour, with the Lab Chat team taking unscheduled questions and even asking their own questions. Overall, the show went well and I hope that many more will follow. The nature of the show, with selected questions being asked by a couple of presenters allows the Linden on the stage to talk at length and not be distracted by others asking questions. Therefore there’s quite a lot of meat on the bones.

If you could not make the show, or your questions weren’t answered, fear not. The Lab Chat team will publish a transcript, they will also publish a video of the event. Keep an eye on the Lab Chat website for further details and also for details of how you can submit questions for the next show.

9 Replies to “Lab Chat Launches In Second Life With A Smooth First Show”

  1. translation: We are currently losing loads of money as it is. Our only hope is enough of you will come to Sansar where we will be able to tax you on every dollar you people spend.

    Their new massive tax on region transfers is just another method to milk the userbase.

    If Sansar becomes a success which I doubt it will take many years. By cheating the Second Life userbase Linden Lab will never make it.

    1. What new massive tax on private regions? The transfer fee on Grandfathered regions is high, but they cost $100 less a month than a standard region. There has been no change in the transfer cost on standard regions. The setup price has also dropped from $1,000 to $600.

      The tier is too damn high, I’ve said this for years. Sansar will take a different approach.

    1. Actions do indeed speak louder than words but I’m not quite seeing what people are unhappy about with LL’s recent changes to fees.

  2. Ciaran Laval you don’t get it do you.

    Linden Lab is not the virtual world company that makes a great world. Linden Lab is about

    “how can we exploit these people who come here and like virtual worlds. How can we get as much money as possible out of their pockets without making ourselves tired.”

    They are not allowing the transfer of grandfathered regions out of sympathy for their userbase. Linden Lab does this because their friends who they protected for years cannot hold up their large amounts of lands they have in stock. So now the little people get the privilege to buy a grandfathered region at a big fat hefty extra fee of 500 US$.

    Residents used to be able to buy grandfathered regions from others but Linden Lab suddenly blocked that many years back so they could make Anshe Chung the monster estate she is and some of their other friends. Otherwise Anshe Chung would be nothing now as she could not compete with other people when Linden Lab didn’t protect her.

    Anshe Chung is not a monster estate because she is so good at doing business. She is only so big because Linden Lab did protect her by cheating everybody else and make them pay for it.

    Homestead debacle, 10000 sims lost. No problem they sold a portion of these sims back to Anshe Chung at the grandfathered rate the other customers didn’t get.

    Linden Lab does participate in FRAUDULENT ACTIONS and people know this and do not accept this.

    Second Life residents aren’t stupid, not everybody wants a free penis to wear in world.

    Do you really think Ebbe gives a damn about Second Life. Nooooo Ebbe is building his own little project and only tries to make Second Life residents pay as much as possible as long as possible to finance his own little adventure.

    There are people with a Second Life inventory of 30.000 real US$. Ow but that is just a license.

    Sansar or Scamsar as many call it is just a sheme by Linden Lab so they can close Second Life and get rid of their problems they caused.

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