Viewer Managed Marketplace Migration Seems To Be Going Smoothly

Merchant Outbox RIP

Hopefully many Second Life Marketplace merchants have received an email like this :

We have finished upgrading the listings in your store to work with the Viewer-Managed Marketplace feature. You must use a Viewer that supports VMM (, and will need to restart the viewer if you had it open during the migration. Your stores should now be fully functional.

If you would like more information on the upgrades and how to manage your Marketplace inventory items from here on, please see the Knowledge Base Article on the Viewer-Managed Marketplace

Thank you for using the Second Life Marketplace

That should indicate that everything has gone smoothly with your migration to the new Viewer Managed Marketplace, then you’ll just need to get your head around how everything works with the Viewer Managed Marketplace, but fear not, Linden Lab have provided plenty of helpful assistance there. A really good place to start is with the comprehensive knowledge-base article linked in the email.

I haven’t seen too many complaints about the migration, some people have reported that they’ve received an email stating there was a problem with the migration and that Linden Lab are investigating. In those circumstances you will still need to manage your Marketplace listings as you usually would.

One concern that has been raised about this migration is with regards to which viewer merchants need to use. The official Second Life viewer does not yet support the Viewer Managed Marketplace, so merchants who have been migrated will have to download a viewer that does support this functionality to manage their marketplace listings. This was explained in Linden Lab’s blog post about the migration :

Once your store is migrated, you’ll need to use the Second Life VMM Viewer to manage the inventory in your Marketplace store.

The Linden Lab Release Candidate viewer is linked to in the above comment. This hasn’t please everyone, especially as the Firestorm viewer does not yet support the Viewer Managed Marketplace. The Firestorm team have explained the situation in a blog post – Attention All Merchants! :

Firestorm does not have VMM released yet, but we are working as hard as we can to get it through our QA and into the Firestorm Preview group ASAP so that merchants can access its functionality prior to our official release. We were not expecting such a tight deadline but hope to have something in preview early next week.

I know this will be painful for some merchants and it’s definitely not an ideal situation, but it should not be a big issue for very long. I would also suggest that merchants read the Firestorm blog post as that has information on options for merchants regarding viewers.

Now when you’re happy with your migration, you may want to get hold of the free VMM bear to celebrate a successful migration, and you might event want to post pictures to somewhere like Flickr, I’m sure some people will find that a fun thing to do! Oh come on, I can’t be the only one!

I’ll end this post with a Torley video on the Viewer Managed Marketplace, other videos in the series can be found when the first one finishes.

3 Replies to “Viewer Managed Marketplace Migration Seems To Be Going Smoothly”

    Our entire store was migrated with out assosicated items every sale is a new delisted item!!!

    Some jerk sitting behind a desk wanted to make a good impression on some other jerk and suggest this feature. Not caring about the people that depend on this income. Becouse both the LL jerk wads get their fat pay check.

    1. Sorry to hear you’ve been having so much trouble. I had looked at forum posts on the offiical Second Life forum and SLUniverse and I did not see too many people having issues prior to my post.

      You also managed to hit my spam filter with your post, so I’ve edited it slightly. Links and now it seems some profanity, send the spam filter into a tizzy.

    2. Yep, same here. My entire store is now delisted due to “delivery failures” from LL gracing me with this VMM “upgrade.” Basically every time a customer attempts to buy an item, the delivery fails, and the item is removed from the marketplace. I’ve spent a solid hour sitting here toggling my listing names, etc, and nothing works. I’ve sent LL a support ticket but I have low hope for them being able to actually lend any help, they never have in the past, so I don’t have reason to believe it will go any differently this time.

      I have two shops in SL, one small, and one large with hundreds of items… I cringe to think what will happen when they decide to upgrade me on my larger account.

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