The Drax Files Radio Hour Episode 7 – Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before!

Episode 7 of the excellent Drax Files Radio hour opens with an introduction from Karl Stiefvater, aka Qarl Fizz, aka Qarl Linden. This week’s episode is unashamedly Linden Lab centric, with the Ebbe Altberg meet and greet being the central attraction.

However they do cover other issues, for example Draxtor wants to see sim cams, like web cams, covering selected sims 24/7 …. this won’t end well! I seem to remember someone going around recording in sims and it wasn’t popular.

They talk of Ebbe discussing the TOS in the forums, the thing there is that the TOS changes remain poorly implemented. The language really is not the problem, the old TOS should have been suffice, I have no idea what these strange edge cases were.

Then they have a recording of the meeting between Ebbe and the officially sanctioned SL media, however if you’ve already heard this via Inara Pey’s post then you may want to skip this part, although really it’s worth listening to again.  as this has been covered and discussed so very well in Inara’s blog, I’m not going to discuss that, I may have to whistle for a while though.

You may need to play some music, watch some youTube videos, login to Second Life if you don’t want to listen to the recording again. Maybe we could hangout here and talk about getting the Versu project going again … oh wait Versu is my next post!

When that’s finished they get into a really interesting discussion with Harvey Crabsticks. I don’t agree with everything Harvey says, but he has some really interesting views. Draxtor gets into a discussion with Harvey on whether Second Life could have a marketing campain along the lines of the Chuck Norris campaign for World Of Warcraft….. actually who would be a good celebrity to advertise Second Life? I know Kim Stanley Robinson was once active in Second Life. Ok, he’s not Chuck Norris of course.

We also learn that Draxtor and Jo Yardley had their rez days on February 20th. Happy rez day to both of them, but schnapps? Seriously guys!

The show ends with Drax playing some Bill Maher about the proposed time warner / comcast merger. I’ve touched upon this before, not that merger, but how media companies are going to end up being large global players, coming to a country near you soon, the technology is there now for worldwide media companies to dominate our airwaves.

The show ends with some very old sound music, complete with scratchy vinyl goodness.

Now a point to note here is that the website is worth reading too, it has a lot of additional information that doesn’t come through via the audio, they also have links, youTube videos etc. so you will get extra richness from the show from reading the website.

Another good episode, and more good publicity for virtual worlds and Second Life.

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