Ebbe Altberg Lands With Informal Post But No Mention Of Orcs

I’m having pingback difficulties on this site, this probably sounds more painful than it actually is. However I’m finding people have linked to posts but their pingback doesn’t show in the comments, I’m not sure why this is. Also people may find their comments in moderation if they use links, I check spam and comments waiting approval so unless the content is extremely dodgy, I’ll approve the comment at some point … hopefully. Unless it’s one of those days when I have a shed load of spam. Anyway, on with the show!

Ebbe Altberg has found his way to the blog and posted an extremely informal hello world address to Second Life users. In the post Ebbe links to Inara Pey’s blog post about him. Ebbe commented on Inara’s post.

From Ebbe’s blog post:

Why did I choose to take this on? I did it because I love the idea behind our products, what you can do with them, and the potential for what we can become. I studied fine arts and computer science, and I find creating digital products and services a creative blend that I absolutely love. For me then, the creative and empowering technologies and marketplaces Linden Lab are creating are just incredible materials to work with. I have a huge belief that we can do great things together. Great for you, for Linden Lab, and for our investors. Linden has learned a ton that few companies have ever had the opportunity to learn when it comes to empowering people to contribute in creative ways and collaborate with a global online community. It’s unique.

Ebbe scores well in the Linden Lab new CEO RPG, scoring many points for saying Second Life isn’t a game, praising creativity, talking of empowering people and being honest about looking to please customers, Linden Lab  and investors. He also gets bonus points for not talking about passionate residents.

He scores quite well for providing his Twitter ID, although some will think this may be a sign he will do all his talking on Twitter. This can be put quickly to bed as Ebbe has dived into the forum, with informal responses to people wondering why there were no comments allowed on the blog post!

I like the informal approach but I’m not sure how long it can last for. As CEO he will need to make difficult decisions, decisions that are going to please and annoy customers, that goes with the territory. People also need to remember that Rod Humble expanded the Linden Lab empire and their website suggests more products may be in the pipeline. Ebbe is the CEO of Linden Lab, not just Second Life, so his time will be stretched between different products.

However it’s an encouraging start, Ebbe seems human enough, although he may change if he spends a bit of time inworld. He also needs to sort out The Orc situation, Orcs are not being fairly represented by Second Life, people need to know about The Orcs!

4 Replies to “Ebbe Altberg Lands With Informal Post But No Mention Of Orcs”

    1. Nothing, not even in the spam queue. I am getting some pings, I had one earlier but it seems to be ones from other wordpress blogs now that I think about it.

      I’ll have to investigate further when I get a moment.

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