An Apology To Scylla Rhiadra

You know when newspapers print an article about someone and then when it gets proven the newspaper is talking rubbish, they hide an apology away on page 15. Well I don’t do that, although in this case it’s a matter of me not correctly checking how my posts read.

Back in January I blogged: Those Who Seek Offence Will Find It. In that post I complained that people who were seeking objectionable content should not complain about finding it. I also typed:

Scylla Rhiadra used to be a very vocal critic of certain types of content in Second Life and would argue against its existence. Scylla was part of SL Left Unity and its offshoot of The Left Unity Feminist Network. I’m not sure how active such groups are in Second Life these days or if Scylla is even still around. There are ways and means of making your points, but I don’t agree with AR parties for content that isn’t against the TOS.

My intent here was to cite Scylla as an example of someone, whom whether you agreed with her or not, made her points in a more sensible fashion than the article I was referencing in the blog post. However I can now see that it reads as if I was suggesting Scylla led AR parties, that was not my intent but it does seem to read that way.

Therefore I’m making this post to apologise to Scylla, who no longer uses Second Life. Whether I agreed or disagreed with Scylla, I always found her to be a constructive critic. People have different opinions on many matters, we can have wildly diverse opinions, but there are ways and means of making a point.

My intent in the linked blog post was to suggest that the way Scylla objected to certain forms of content was more sensible than how the article I’d read had objected. However I can now see that it doesn’t read that way and for that I apologise.

4 Replies to “An Apology To Scylla Rhiadra”

  1. Thank you, Ciaran. This is very gracious and generous — indeed, far more so than even I thought really necessary! You have reminded me why you were one with whom I always enjoyed trading quips, or even on occasion locking horns.

    It is reassuring to see that SL still benefits from your thoughtful, insightful, and good-natured commentary.

    Take care. 🙂

    1. Thank you for pointing out I hadn’t made my point clearly, I am used to checking for typos, but really I missed a sentence in that post that completely changed the message I was trying to convey.

  2. I agree wholeheartedly with your post Ciaran [you’d better get a screen shot of that, eh?] and that it was sufficiently ambiguous to suggest what I am sure was not the case, about Scylla leading vindictive AR parties, as has become the fashionable guerilla tactic in the SL Forums. You were right to clarify your opinion.

    Pep (Hi Scylla; your humour is sadly missing from the current wave of feminazi propaganda; you might at least consider taking up Lee’s invitation if you don’t have the time for a full recommitment, but I hope whatever is occupying you is satisfactory. Did you finish your PhD?)

    1. We probably don’t disagree that much on many matters but people are more likely to post when they do disagree than when they agree, which is the nature of the beast. Now if you’d been proof reading for me this misunderstanding would never have happened, nor my umpteen grammar errors!

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