The Drax Files Makes Its Debut

Draxtor Despres, of Metareality Podcast, Superflufee machinima and other stuff I don’t know about but probably should fame, has today launched a new monthly show titled: “The Drax Files“.

The concept behind the show is to interview Second Life residents from various walks of the virtual world and show the real person as well as their virual self. The series will feature machinima as well as the person talking about their virtual world experiences, both inside Second Life and at times by a video link to their real self.

This won’t just be about super successful business people, the aim is to cover people of all ages, genders and ethnicities as they discuss their virtual world experiences as well as how it impacts upon their real life in some cases.

The episodes aren’t long, the first episode (linked and embedded at the bottom of this post) is around five minutes long. Unfortunately such a production takes a lot longer than five minutes to produce, hence why it’s a monthly show but this sort of show promotes Second Life in a very positive light on many levels. First of all there’s the machinima and imagery, which portray a vibrant world. Then we have the first hand experience of residents, which exemplifies what people can do and achieve in Second Life.

Being as I bugged Draxtor on Twitter, he gave me some background information in the form of a press release. or maybe he got his secretary to hand me a press release:

The Drax Files

World Makers will be a monthly show on YouTube examining the creative people behind the avatars who continue to move the virtual world of Second Life forward with their passion and persistence.

Mixed reality interviews form the basis of very personal stories that profile designers, game-makers, role-players and fashion aficionados, musicians, artists and social-issue activists: for these dedicated residents the avatar is not just a separate pixelated entity, but a true extension of their identity with which they navigate the digital space.

The show will utilize real-life footage and Skype interviews as well as machinima from within Second Life and feature a range of creators from self-taught hobbyists to dedicated pros from all walks of life, from all over the world, cutting across gender, ethnic and generational divides.

This is a world solely made and nourished by its residents – therefore truly only their imagination can be the limit!

To commemorate the launch of the new show Loki Eliot has created a limited edition Mesh Hoody, available to 100 people only, with an asking price of 250 Linden Dollars, you can get it from Loki Eliot’s Marketplace Store.

This is the sort of thing Linden Lab should welcome, indeed they should find a way of promoting ventures like this, oh wait! They have, they’ve blogged about it! Good to see someone at Linden Lab is on the ball about good promotion. I drafted this post yesterday and now I’m having to make last minute changes because Linden Lab posted whilst I was casually eating my tea! Joking aside, I am pleased to see them take note of this.

The first episode is : Episode 1 – Kriss Lehmann

I’ve embedded it here too:

2 Replies to “The Drax Files Makes Its Debut”

  1. Thank you so much for blogging! Coming from daily radio I could probably knock these out in 3 days [given I have the RL material] but one needs to feed the kids too 🙂 Wanted to reiterate what you stated: point is to NOT only highlight financial “success” but to center on creative fulfillment which in my world is a rank above the $$$ side of things. We need to keep in mind that creative folks make this world go round and despite legitimate criticism that needs to be expressed [about corporate decisions primarily] we need to not forget who is behind the avatar roaming the grid: a person who pursues passion in a relentless hence GOOD way!!!!

    1. Indeed, I think LL have tried similar concepts in the past with guest blogs and such like but they’ve not quite been able to pull it off, you’ve exemplified very well how it can be done.

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