Mesh Clothing Parametric Deformer Goes Alpha

First of all, Happy New Year to everyone.

The Mesh Clothing Parametric Deformer project has now reached an alpha release. At the end of yesterday’s MetaReality Podcast the news was broke that it would be released tomorrow .. which is today! Warning, the MetaReality podcast was live and the podcast posted is uncensored, I haven’t listend to it all yet so it may contain naughty words. A video has been released to show the code in action and to point out that it’s not finished:

This project is to make mesh clothing in Second Life more viable, the problem so far with Mesh clothing has been getting it to fit. This project goes some way to addressing that.

The code is available from the blog of Qarl Fizz (AKA Former Qarl Linden, AKA Karl Stifvater), which you can find here. I’m going to call him Qarl Fizz for this blog post, just to avoid confusion!

The code works when you change the shape of your avatar, the clothing changes shape to match too, the code also works with avatar physics, if you add avatar physics to your avatar, then the clothing will work with the jiggle. This was a concern with this project and a fair one, if your clothing and shape changed but jiggle didn’t there would have been a bit of a flaw. There are other things mentioned in the video, watch it if you get time and see if you pick up on anything big that may be a concern.

Now as I said, this is an alpha release and Qarl makes no claims that this is the finished item, indeed Qarl points out that there needs to be some work done on how this works because in its current alpha form, the deformation applies to all Mesh in the scene, meaning your Mesh attachments will be affected by this, which might be an issue if your Mesh gun goes floppy.

If you’re not familiar with this project, it was crowdsourced and paid for by Second Life users, independently from Linden Lab, the story of that can be found here on the site for the project. This was originally due to Linden Lab flagging the Jira proposal for this idea as someday/maybe, the original Jira is SH-2374, where you can see lots of comments on the idea. That Jira is also in the spooky Shining project area, which I still haven’t found a definition for, with the “Here’s Johnny” icon to boot.

However for feedback, I suggest you go to a different Jira, STORM-1716, which is assigned to Qarl Fizz, which is another reason why I’m calling Qarl, Qarl Fizz! Qarl wants feedback and in the video asks for people to post feedback on the Jira and as the Storm Jira is the Jira assigned to Qarl, that seems to be the most sensible place to post the feedback.

I’ve watched the video and it looks pretty damn nifty, but there are a couple of issues to be resolved still, but the project is most definitely looking like it will make mesh clothing far more user friendly and therefore increase the opportunities for makers of Mesh clothing. Hurrah!

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