The Stolen Village

As exhibitions go, this one is a little different, Oriolus Oliva has an exhibition at the Cellar Gallery on the Verdigris sim of what they view as content theft of ….. pretty much their whole sim! There is another similar sim and by way of pointing out the glaring similarities Orilous has put out pictures exemplifying their content and what they view as copied content.
The Stolen Village

The exhibition contains many examples of what the sim creator obviously feels is content theft, I’m going to avoid naming and shaming the sim of the alleged sin in this post, although it is mentioned in the notecard introducing visitors to the exhibition.

Stolen Village Example 1

The examples however are pretty damning, is it flattering to find your content reporduced in this fashion?

Stolen Village Example 2

There are a lot more examples and pictures in the exhibition itself, in some ways this is a brave departure from ranting on a blog or forum about the issue and it has the potential to turn something the creator perceives as being an affront into something creative and positive, making good out of adversity.

The Verdigris sim itself is a well designed sim with rules about vendors running scripts and hovertext, it’s an old European theme in its building style and is good for photo opportunities for those that way inclined, the covenant didn’t forbid photos.

Cellar Gallery

If you get time visit the sim and exhibition and make your own mind up about what has happened. I’ll leave you with the introductory notecard you can find inworld at the gallery, I have edited it slightly to remove references to the other sim, sorry about that!

“In life, there are two things to aim for: the first, getting what you want, and soon after, enjoy it. Only the wisest of human beings get the second.
(Nella vita, ci sono due cose a cui mirare: la prima, ottenere ciò che si desidera; e, subito dopo, goderselo. Solo i più saggi tra gli esseri umani ottengono la seconda)”

Dear Visitor,

Let me tell you a few words about this exhibition. In Second Life (not too far away) there is a sim. When you visit that place, you may find it very familiar – if you know our old Vintage Village here, at Verdigris – the ever-changing world of it’s creator, Oriolus Oliva.

But the other sim,  is a bit different. That place is only a copybotted replica of Verdigris. Yes, the whole sim(!). Dozens of buildings… Hundreds of objects and 1000’s of prims. Every single item is stolen from us and from other great creators such as Jenne Dibou of the Forgotten City.

With his industrious work (ehm… copybotting),  the creator (ehm… thief) of  the other sim has deserved a nice exhibition here, at the Cellar Gallery of our Vintage Village.

Our purpose with this exhibition is raising the awarness of Linden Labs and the community of the content creators of SL:  the content theft has enormously increased and we must protect our intellectual property in every possible way. The law is by our side – but our sharpest weapon in this fight is the publicity. And we will use it, without mercy.


Here you can see a video of our original sim, Verdigris:

Finally, you can browse our image gallery – with descriptions:


Enjoy this small exhibition and have fun! Best regards,
Oriolus Oliva,
Cellar Gallery of Vintage Village

To visit the stolen village exhibition go this SLURL:

2 Replies to “The Stolen Village”

  1. It’s upsetting and off-putting to content creators when they see single pieces of their work copied by someone and passed off as that person’s creation for his/her profit. How much worse is it when your own blood, sweat and tears have gone into creating an entire sim, and someone steals your work and tries to claim credit for it!.
    why bother

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