New Web Based Profiles In Beta?

After reading this thread on SLUniverse, which references this tweet, from Opensource Obscure, it appears that there are some different looking profiles on Linden Lab’s servers, profiles with additional functionality, such as  a feed. I don’t know whether this is a new project, or whether it’s an old project that never got finished but it does work, although the data appears to be from the beta grid and is therefore old.

My beta profile is here, to check for your own go to, where firstname.lastname are your first and last Second Life names. Alternatively go to:

Then login, you see more options when you login, you should see something like this:


Now as I said, I don’t actually know if this is a new project or an old project, but either way it has some potential. The first thing I noticed was the feed and you can write something there, that I assume gets shared depending upon your settings, people can then comment or love your comment…. hmm sounds familiar! There is also a big skyscraper space that looks suitable for adverts but this sort of space has been around on web profiles for a while.

The About tab is where you see your usual inworld profile box, where you type in whom you love and hate:


There are also options for interests and your homepage, this data must be either really old for me to have that homepage, or they are pulling the homepage from current data, I didn’t have that homepage there for a couple of years, although my profile picture and lack of display name suggest the data is old!

Picks isn’t happening, there are no picks to view and you can’t add one:


Groups on the other hand, is happening:


Groups are pretty self explanatory, but then we come to settings and there are a number of settings you can set: Profile Picture, Display Name, Biography, Interests, Homepage, Social Identities (Twitter, Facebook, Flickr etc.), Partner, Real World Profile Picture and Real World Biography:

Profile Settings

Then we come to privacy, and like now you can choose to share information with everyone, Second Life (logged in users only) or Friends. This is for things such as people being able to see your groups, interests, picks etc:

Privacy Settings

Then we have notifications and this is linked to your feed, here you can set whether you get notified Inworld, by email, both or presumably none, when someone comments after you, comments on your posts or posts on your profile, this is the interesting angle for me:


Why is this interesting? Well this has potential for a better social networking option and I have a feeling that if this is a new project, you’ll be able to interact with people more easily but also have these options inworld if you want too …. not sure why these options would be that useful inworld but you never know.

Finally there’s the friends list, which as you’d expect lists your friends, however it also allows you to set permissions, such as seeing you on the map and also allows you to remove a friend:

Friends List and Options

Friends Permissions

As I said near the start, I don’t know if this is an old project that has been abandoned or a new project, I have seen no official word from Linden Lab about this but if it’s an old project it should be looked at again, it has some potential and if it’s a new project, Linden Lab, tell us about it!

5 Replies to “New Web Based Profiles In Beta?”

    1. There’s a suspicion that the info is based on data on the beta grid, which stores old info if you haven’t logged in there for a while. However others are saying they have old info and have never logged into the beta grid and some of the info on mine is certainly much older than the last time I logged into the beta grid …. or did I use an alt on the beta grid? Hmmm.

  1. Old info? Better yet try ancient info. Mine still got my partner filled out O.o well at least it was my last partner and not my first (ok only had two Im a freak in SL too LOL )
    You sort of lost me .. potential how ?
    FYI I havent been on the beta grid since around 2007? and that was way before any of the info written on the web page *facepalm*
    Please dont make me say it !!!

  2. Funny… you went to press on a story I abandoned half way through – and the same screen shots, unsurprisingly :).

    I couldn’t make my mind up if it was the shape of things to come, a shadow of the past or something in the process of being resurrected, so decided to hold fire.

    I’m not convinced on the beta grid data idea, tho. Don’t you actually need to have logged in to the Beta for it to have data?

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