Weird Traffic Bug Causing Unwarranted Angst

A forum thread, then a Jira entry, arguing, accusations, pointing of fingers, yes it’s a hoo-ha over traffic being broken in Second Life. The bizarre part here is that the person whom actually created the forum thread to open this can of worms, appears to have been getting higher than expected traffic figures in the first place!

Traffic is generally believed to be the combined number of minutes avatars  spend on a parcel in a 24 hour period. Therefore one avatar not moving for 24 hours should record a score of 1440. This isn’t an exact science, there are tweaks and allowances and some voodoo…. allegedly, plus traffic scores only get updated once a day.

The issue seems to be that traffic scores inworld aren’t getting updated, indeed they’re declining at a rate of knots.

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BBC Radio 4 Appealing To Second Life Users?

The Second Life forums, which lack a bit of punch when it comes to discussion but are an absolute gem when it comes to finding technical information, have been visited today by someone purporting to be from the BBC.

The forum post, which can be read here, has the following message:

Hi!  Alan from BBC Radio 4 in London here creating a new internet phone-in documentary – we’re looking at who’s out there and what you’re up to online and offline over five days and nights.  Have you got an interesting story to tell about what’s going on in your life right now?  If so, I’d love to hear from you.  This show is about people not opinions – so I want to hear your story, about who you are, what you do, and what makes you tick.  Everyone welcome.  Add me as a friend on Facebook: and be sure to Skype me at dontlogoff at the following times

 Mon 21 Nov – 1600-2200 GMT (eg. London) / 1100-1700 EST (eg. NYC) / 0800-1400 PST (eg. Los Angeles) / 0300-0900 + 1 day EDT (eg. Sydney)

Tue 22 Nov – 0700-1200 GMT / 0200-0700 EST / 2300-0400 PST / 1800-2300 EDT

Wed 23 Nov – 0700-1200 GMT / 0200-0700 EST / 2300-0400 PST / 1800-2300 EDT

Thu 24 Nov – 1600-2200 GMT / 1100-1700 EST / 0800-1400 PST / 0300-0900 +1 day EDT

Fri 25 Nov – 1600-2200 GMT / 1100-1700 EST / 0800-1400 PST / 0300-0900 + 1 day EDT

 It’s a phone-in, remember, so we’ll be recording if you call – look forward to hearing from you!

 The finished show will be on BBC Radio 4 on 2nd Jan 2012 at 1102am GMT – we’ll try to include as many callers as possible.”

Continue reading “BBC Radio 4 Appealing To Second Life Users?”

LL Respond Swiftly To Email Blip

Linden Lab have been quick to apologise for the recent email blip that saw reminders for premium renewals sent to people, with dates in the past. I received the following apology via email last night:

“Dear Ciaran

Our sincere apologies. You recently received an email from us in error. The message subject was “Second Life Renewal Reminder,” and it stated that your account would be charged for the cost of a renewal of a Premium Membership, and on a date that is in the past. Please disregard that email. We will not be charging your account for the stated fees.

Again, please disregard our previous message and accept our apologies for any confusion. If you have additional questions, please contact support.

Best Wishes,

Linden Lab and the Second Life Team

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Adult Hub To Voluntarily Remove Zindra Name

Today there was an Adult content user group meeting, the minutes of can be read here. The meeting being today quite frankly scares me because these meetings are now fortnightly and I swear it isn’t a fortnight since the last one! Time really is flying. Anyway there was some big news at the meeting regarding the controversial use of the Zindra name on the new Adult Gateway.

Serjourn Daxter announced:

This weekend I was approached by Counter Landfall, a member of the Zindra Alliance. We talked and looked into possible cooperation models. It became clear that the use of the Zindra name was a sore point for the alliance. I was also given an insight into the reasons. In the interest of buillding unity in the adult communities, I brought this issue up in my management team meeting Saturday. After some discussions, we passed a 16 to nil vote on to go ahead and profile what we are (an adult hub) rather than to use the Zindra name, that we understand has a value for the Zindra continent, but is of little consequence for us as a hub.

As a first result of the new cooperation, the Zindra yellowpages have now been placed in 4 locations in the central HUB sim, and will over the comming weeks be placed also in the 4 surrounding sims. ”

This is good news on several fronts and extremely encouraging to hear.

Continue reading “Adult Hub To Voluntarily Remove Zindra Name”

Premium Member Reminder Email Error

Plenty of you will know about this, because you’ll have received an email like this:

We hope you’re enjoying your Second Life.  This is a reminder that your, Second Life Premium Annual Plan will be renewed on a certain date, at which time you’ll be charged a certain fee (USD).  You don’t need to do anything; renewal and billing are automatic.”

I’m not as eagle eyed as others as I thought “Bloody hell, they’re keen” as my renewal is months away, it was actually telling me the renewal was due earlier this year. Others received emails telling them their renewals were due in 2009 or 2008, which is easier to spot….. that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!

However there’s no need to panic, just keep your eyes peeled on your bills, you shouldn’t be charged, Linden Lab know all about it.

Continue reading “Premium Member Reminder Email Error”


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