Holy Toledo! Robin Exits

Robin Linden has announced on the official blog that she will shortly be leaving Linden Lab, I’m extremely disappointed, although not at all surprised by this news.

I don’t know who I’m going to whine to now about Linden policies, there’s only Jack left whom I’m comfortable with and he has such a difficult task on his hands.

I first had doubts about Robin’s role when she stopped her office hours. Then she was involved in the worthy stories from Second Life along with Katt, but Katt’s departure seemed to suggest all wasn’t well, although Katt was Katt and she was a bit feisty.

I mentioned to Robin that she was too quiet, Prok (whom I’m extremely annoyed with right now for his sleights on me) pointed out that with the new hires it seemed that Robin and Catherine would have an office in the car park. Continue reading “Holy Toledo! Robin Exits”

2008 Reviewed

I was going to do this in the style of a meme I used to do on Livejournal whereby you’d take the first couple of lines or paragraph, from the first post of each month to give your year in review, but that doesn’t quite work for me here, although it’s a fun meme, I’ll do a little bit of that, quickly go through the months, throw in the odd picture and review the year that way.


LL’s new policy on banking certainly caused a storm, and more than just one in a teacup I popped down to JTF to check out the scene and we had a run on the banks in full swing, of course later in the year we had the far more serious issue of people running to RL banks such as Northern Rock to withdraw their funds.Bank queues Continue reading “2008 Reviewed”

Terry Pratchett Live Inworld

Robin’s office hour was a washout as she’s on holiday. Jack’s office hour was calmer than normal and Jack is definitely considering options on what to do about parcels set for sale for what many call extortionate amounts, although no change in policy at this moment in time. Thanks to my underworld sources I have a full transcript to read.

However I spent half an hour trying to get out of Jack’s office hour to go to the Terry Pratchett live Q&A, alas the sim was full until ten minutes before the event started.

Just as I was celebrating, I crashed. However fate wasn’t going to prevent my mission, oh no, I got right back in there. I did however notice that a couple of Linden’s (rumours that they were playing hooky are unfounded!) managed to sneak in at the back, hmmm! Continue reading “Terry Pratchett Live Inworld”

The Bay City Rollers

Well someone had to mention them, my sister scarred me for life! Via the official blog Bay City is up and running.

The work of the LDPW, a cityscape, a cinema, a lighthouse, a trolley bus, bowling, ballon trips and probably much much more.

No terraform, no subdivide, no join, no messing around with the builds. Auctions start next week and to those of you who claim this is just a hosting service, let’s see what value people place on these parcels.

Aided and abetted by Katt Linden, who not only told me Bay City was south of City Haven, she also told me which direction south was (Thanks Miss Communication 😉 ).

I took a stroll around to capture the new sights.

This is a bowling alley ..honest!

This is a bowling alley, honest!

Continue reading “The Bay City Rollers”

Can We Have Some Ethics Please

Early reports are filtering back from the traffic meeting with the underlying message that they are a waste of time. I’ll hold judgement on that until I attend one, I think I’m booked in for Thursday.

However one issue that is related is the showcase and I’m having a hard time not finding it unethical in a world where we’re supposed to have a marketplace. I’m simply uncomfortable about the idea of stores being promoted in this way. I wouldn’t find it so objectionable if places with stores were being promoted, but highlighting a particular store makes me a tad uncomfortable.

The first thing that should be made transparent about this, the very first step to retaining business credibility, should be that no Linden Lab employees, their family members or their close personal friends are promoted via this process. The sort of thing that happens when companies run competitions, employees not allowed.

Personally I’d prefer them to have awards and the winners showcased, that would have more of an ethical feel about it. The winner of the best building designer for whatever period, a month, a quarter or even a year, gets a showcase spot. The winners would have course have to be picked and probably by the very people making the picks now, but the whole process would appear to be more ethical, and maintaining standards is a very important issue in a business environment.

I wouldn’t even mind if the showcase featured those paying the most for their adverts, I know some don’t consider that fair, but it’s a metric that’s hard to dispute and I don’t object to those who pay more, getting greater exposure.

Continue reading “Can We Have Some Ethics Please”


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