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UrbanizeD Sponsor Spotlight

This is UrbanizeD’s second year at the SL Home & Garden Expo. Creator, Pitsch Parx, is grateful to have the chance to be part of this great initiative.

This expo is THE best platform any designer could want for his work and coupled with the great cause it supports, it is BI winning!

UrbanizeD was created on Valentines Day 2009, on the Deizha estate. A spur of the moment decision of Pitschs’ to take his RL, creative background and unleash it on SL. What started out as rental homes, quickly changed into landscaping and designing furniture. To bring the rentals up to the standard Pitsch had in mind he has had to continually keep learning to create that what SL had not previously offered. This evolution continues still, to this day. Every collection shows progress on all sides of the process – textures, animations, and shapes. Raising the bar is part of what UrbanizeD exceeds at. Twice a year an all new collection is used to display the creativity they want to share with the people of SL. Continue reading “SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT — UrbanizeD”


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