Under The Sea Expo – Mermaid Pearls Hunt

An Image Should Be Here
Treasure Hunt

As I said in my last post, The Under The Sea Expo has a hunt and it involves Mermaids!  Now on with the details.

The Lost Pearls of Hanalei


Alina’s little sister Mishell thinks she’s been spending too much time in the Mermaid Palace and not enough time swimming in the sea where they live. To lure her out of the palace, she’s taken Alina’s favorite pearl necklace and hidden the pearls in some of her favorite underwater spots! Alina is busy preparing for a dance and she needs that necklace. Will you help her get it back?


A beautiful mermaid flicks her tail in exasperation as she reads over a piece of paper.

 “What was Mishell thinking? I need that necklace for the dance! But I don’t have time to play these games. I have to get ready!”

 Spotting you out of the corner of her eye, she waves you over. “I need this necklace for the dance tonight. Please help me get it back.”

 Before you can respond, she is already back to combing her hair. You look down at the piece of paper.

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