Fantasy Faire 2013 – The Key Of Hope Hunt

Now if you’re not too busy this weekend, The Key Of Hope Hunt is still running and as we all know, hunts are fun ….. oh come on, they are! Anyway you will need a hud to play and this will cost you L$100 but the purchase is from a Relay For Life Vendor and therefore is part of the fund raising efforts.

The hunt comes in two parts, the first takes place in the Fairelands and as they are part of Fantasy Faire, you may need to get your boots on to complete it. The the second part, which runs until May 19th, is a collaboration with Madpea Productions.

Below is a narration of the prologue, and a mighty fine prologue it is too. However, if you would rather read the prologue, the text is below the YouTube clip, or you could read the text whilst listening to the youTube clip. At the end of the post I’ll also include the link on how to play the hunt.

Key of Hope ~ Prologue

For a thousand years and more, the demon prince Val’baan ruled over the land with fear. Then, a child was born who would grow to be his nemesis. This had happened before, but Val’baan was possessed of enough brains to maintain an intelligence network that alerted him to possible threats before they were too great to crush. This time, however, the girl was raised in secret by people ready for the time, and when she grew to womanhood the demon’s fate was inevitable. A quest, a battle, an overcoming followed, and the sun rose over the world once more. Kiana and her companions fought for three days to drive Val’baan first back into the valley, then to the temple which had been the seat of Val’baan’s power – his final redoubt. Two hundred men and women began that fight, ninety reached the entrance to the valley and only eight were alive to see Val’baan trapped as Kiana read from the scroll and completed the ritual of binding. Each of these took their place at one of the eight outer seals, with Kiana herself bringing them together in the centre. The heroes’ strength was thus combined to forge a lock that could never be opened again, from within or without.


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