Exploring The Dirty Grind And Jasmine’s Hollow

The Dirty Grind

Second Life is at its heart a social platform and that means engaging in social activities such as lively debates, the arts, music and more. Fortunately The Destination Guide has a section to help us find music and from there I decided to head off to The Dirty Grind overlooking Jasmine’s Hollow.

There I found a delightful steampunk inspired sim that ticks a long very nicely, this may be in a large part due to the cogs and clocks that are scattered around the location.

Steam Engine And Ship

The Dirty Grind describes itself as an Independent Artist Community. When you land there a notecard is offered, which provides some information on the region. There’s also a website and from there we learn :

Open to the public 24/7! The Dirty Grind™ is a steampunk™ haven for music and visual art. Come for over 30 hours of eclectic live professional recording artists that span from heavy metal and rock to folk and jazz and explore the venue’s many surprises and games. Enjoy our family of musicians featured on our 24 hr radio station, Radio Grind™ and explore our artists and buy their work at Radio Grind presents…

They also offer in Jasmine’s Hollow shop and home rentals as well as having options to hold events or rent gallery space. Independent musicians are not the only artists here, there are quite a few independent artists displaying their wares.

Bear in mind though that this is a moderate rated region so you are likely to be chased out of town if you want to commercially run anything adult. This isn’t a place for overtly adult activities and they make this clear in their information.

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