My Alt Provides Awful Support – Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Offline IM’s Of “Hi”

As I mentioned in my last post, in my day job, I work in support. One of the tricks with support is to get people to tell you what the problem is. Many people will tell you “It’s not working” which leads to me asking “What’s not working?” to which I receive a reply of “It just doesn’t work” …. this can get tiresome but the longer you work in support, the more you realise that you need to be patient with people and encourage them to inform you of the problem.

I logged in with one of my alts today for the first time in about a fortnight. I do get offline IM’s, so if there were any support issues with any products from my alt, I’d have seen them, right? No wrong, there was a support issue, I didn’t respond to it, I did get it as an offline IM, the problem was that the person didn’t tell me what the problem was, the offline IM read “Yo”. The person who had sent the “Yo” message had tried to purchase an item, twice, but had not received the item. I didn’t know this at the time, because it wasn’t explained to me, but I should have replied to the message to see why they were contacting me.

Now I get a lot of offline IM’s and I’ve got into a bad habit, I’m in the habit of ignoring “hi” and “Yo” . What this incident has taught me is, that like my day job, I need to respond to vague reports and respond to them. On Ciaran I ask people to send me a notecard because in my experience, when someone fills in a notecard they tell you what the issue is, however I don’t have these messages on my alts, but even on Ciaran I receive IM’s of “Hi” and “Yo”.

The thing is if you’re a merchant or landlord, you are in the customer support game and you should be prepared for people to contact you who aren’t providing you with enough information to deal with their problem.

Continue reading “My Alt Provides Awful Support – Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Offline IM’s Of “Hi””

Support extremely busy

I’m biased when it comes to overworked and understaffed support teams, so when I received an email from support today informing me that they are sorry for the delay in my ticket, but the plain fact of the matter was that they were behind with their workload and trying to catch up, I smiled.

This doesn’t mean I find it acceptable to wait this long for a response but it does mean, I have respect for the honest response and a support person who isn’t trying to spin me a line, I’d much rather hear straight forward truthful answers, rather than stories about someone’s dog eating their homework.

Well done support team, now get back to work!


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