Save Our Release Candidate Channels

A look at server deploys for this week has uncovered another goodie in the shape and form of a new function, llGetParcelMusicURL(), however a look at the Server/beta meeting minutes for this week reveals a baddie in the shape and form of hiding server channels, this should be resisted, despite the reasons for wanting to do this being fairly reasonable, it’s the wrong solution.

Let’s start with the goodie, in scripting it’s common to have setters and getters. There’s no great mystery to what they do, setters as you’d exepect set values and getters, as you’d expect, get values. We’ve long had a setter for parcel music in the form of llSetParcelMusicURL() , this is used to set music streams on parcels and requires permission to do so, often the scripted object will need to be deeded to the group, well it will be on group owned land, people who have used radios and televisions on group owned land will be familiar with this procedure. However there had previously been no getter counterpart, although Jira SCR-31, requesting the creation of llGetParcelMusicURL() was created almost four years ago.

However we haven’t had the getter, until now, it’s currently only available on the Le Tigre RC channel but will soon be grid wide I’m sure. This function will return the parcel music URL, as you may well suspect already! Like it’s counterpart you may need to deed the object to a group for it to work and it won’t matter if the parcel music url has been set manually or via a script, as long as you have permission to get the URL, you will be able to do so.

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