Forum Ranks Alive And Well

I logged into the Second Life Forums today to find a private message from Representative Linden informing me my forum rank has been increased, although honoured should have a u in it, I’ll forgive them for that. I’d forgotten all about forum ranks, but there’s a link to a handy guide in the message, which you can read here.

Now I’ve never been a fan of forum ranks, I’ve always felt that people should contribute how they best see fit and be thanked or criticised for their contributions by other contributors. However now that I’ve been promoted and can lord it over others I’ve changed my mind, I think they’re ace! Oh wait a minute, I’m already a Lord, scrub that then, I still think they’re a little bit off. I’ve always felt you could give people extra permissions without the need for a public rank.

I have no idea what I’ll do with my newly inherited super powers, I shall have to ponder this, after unblocking my sink in the kitchen this evening I’m not exactly feeling honoured, although unblocking the sink was an achievement!

Ranks started with Lexie Linden, who along with Amanda tried to put some buzz into community gatherings. The ranks weren’t well received but I don’t think anyone really cares about them anymore.

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The Second Life Forums Could Do With A Rejig

The Second Life forums have over the years taken on various forms, each time they change a group of people pine for the older forum. Personally I don’t think they’ve ever recovered from the day that the forums running on forum software were replaced with the all singing, all dancing, extremely frustrating Jive, which in turn has been replaced by Lithium.

The not so secret but still private, merchants roundtable is currently as dead as a dodo, although there are older posts there from Darrius Gothly, which may soon become a collector’s item as Darrius is currently banned from the forums apparently, for crimes unknown to anyone other than the forum moderators. Darrius is a rather lively and informative contributor, so it’s a shame he can’t contribute right now, hopefully that will change soon.

However the current forums are a strange beast, you click on sections and see forums you never knew existed. I clicked on the creation forum link this evening, to find there’s a Building And Texturing Forum Knowledgebase Forum, which actually seems to be part of the knowledgebase section of the main site. The plot thickens though because the Building And Texturing Knowledgebase Forum is empty, completely blank, it’s sitting there all lonely and neglected.

Continue reading “The Second Life Forums Could Do With A Rejig”


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