Sci-Fi Convention Runs Until April 2nd

Sci-Fi Convention Welcome

The 10th anniversary of SCi-Fi Alliance’s Science Fiction convention opened in Second Life on March 24th and the good news is that the convention will run until April 2nd, so there’s still time for you to visit.

Sci-Fi Convention

The convention, as well as being about many things Sci-Fi in the Second Life virtual world is also part of the Relay For Life fundraising efforts in Second Life, so it’s fun and for a worthy cause.


The about page on the organisers website informs us :

What started in 2008 as a single region Sci-Fi Meet & Greet charity party, has grown into a six sim festival of creativity and purpose; hosting parties, discussions, interviews with notable Actors of Sci-Fi, epic Trivia Showdowns, and one of the best theatricals the grid has to offer The Milky Way Cabaret.

Yes, there’s entertainment here.

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Science Fiction Convention Now Open



There are many fairs and events in Second Life during the course of the year, some more popular than others. Regular readers of this blog will know of my love of Fantasy Faire. However another big love of mine is Science Fiction, I don’t see enough of it in Second Life, this is more due to time restraints, which Science Fiction should be able to fix!

However, as part of the Relay For Life effort, there is a Science Fiction convention going on in Second Life, right now.

Colourful Planet

The event opened on May 30th and runs until June 8th, so there’s plenty of time to see the sims, of which there are six and they come in a variety of themes from your classic Sci-Fi look to more colourful offerings.

Continue reading “Science Fiction Convention Now Open”


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