Raster Raster Exhibition Features Provocative Art Work From Second Life

The Aran Cravey gallery in Los Angeles is currently running an exhibition entitled Raster Raster, which features art apparently known as “Postinternet“. The press release informs us that the group exhibition curated by Marisa Olson features work from Conor Backman, Petra Cortright, Alexandra Gorczynski, Marc Horowitz, Christine Sun Kim, Mehreen Murtaza, Jayson Musson, Bunny Rogers, Travess Smalley, Jasper Spicero, Artie Vierkant.

Bunny Rogers is not a name familiar to me but the press release identifies her work as being based on images from Second Life, with rather strong themes:

Raster Raster includes variant work from painting, sculpture, and textiles to videoembedded digital prints, lenticular images of SecondLife self portraits, and a sitespecific installation by Jasper Spicero featuring the artist’s music and 3Dprinted sculpture. Subject matter ranges from Christine Sun Kim’s autobiographical images about the deaf experience, and Conor Backman’s visual puns of art world semiotics to sexual taboo and feminism in Bunny Rogers’ Second Life portraits.

Now I became aware of this because of another article, this one on Flavorwire entitled : The Provocative and Disturbing World of ‘Second Life’ Photography. Now I have seen a lot of Second Life photography, especially on sites like Flickr. Some of it is touched up, some of it is not. There are a lot of themes there and yes some are adult but in the main they are not.

The Flavorwire article says of Bunny’s work :

Bunny Rogers is one of the artists featured in Raster Raster, whose Second Life photography series reveals her provocative and often creepy exploration of digital selfhood, sexual taboo, feminism, and longing using the virtual world’s avatars. 

Creepy and sexual taboo are long time terms used in conjunction with Second Life and in many ways it’s disappointing that this is the subject matter getting attention and yet in other ways, this is positive news.

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