Fantasy Faire 2018 – Raising Funds For Hope Lodge In Kenya

Fantasy Faire 2018 will kick off in Second Life on Thursday April 19th, part of the Relay for Life fundraising effort in Second Life for the American Cancer Society. A fact oft missed about this fundraising effort is that it raises funds for global causes, as Da5id Abbot pointed out in a recent blog post; ACS : Not Just American :

The fact is there is a global need for the work the American Cancer Society does and, much like many other nation-based cancer organizations, ACS is committed to getting that work done wherever it can. Take a look at the ACS website ( and see for yourself just how wide the Society casts its net,

To emphasise this point, Fantasy Faire 2018 will be helping to build hope a home in Kenya, more to the point in Nairobi in partnership with the Kenyatta National Hospital, plans are afoot to build a 62 bed hostel. Lily Koros Tare, CEO, Kenyatta National Hospital said of the plans :

The KNH Hope Hostel will not only provide people from around the country a place to stay during treatment, but also a place to heal physically and spiritually.

Cancer is the third leading cause of death in Kenya, a country with a population of around 45 million people. Nairobi is the home to the only public comprehensive cancer centre, which means patients and family need to travel from all over the country for treatment, which is a major reason as to why this is such an important development.

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